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2019.428.2454Longfellow School photo ca. 1910
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Longfellow School photo ca. 1910 Cranberry Isles, on brown cardboard backing with IDs on reverse; children all dressed up, perhaps graduation day. Left to right: Front row: Leslie Stanley, Russell Bunker, John Stanley, Holsie Atkinson, Victor Erickson. Second row: Gracie Atkinson, Bernice Spurling, Laura Erickson, Margie Bulger Phippen, Hilda Bulger Spurling, Blanch White Atkinson, Alvah Bunker. Third row: Esther White Howard, Florence Bracy, Hazel Bunker Hardy, Helen Trussell Alley, Gladys Spurling, Willard Rosebrook. Fourth row: George Hadlock Superintendent, Edgar White, Bertie Stanley, Robert Stanley, Raymond Bunker, Teacher Mamie Birlem. (IDs probably by Ruth Westphal)
Longfellow School photo ca. 1910 Cranberry Isles, on brown cardboard backing with IDs on reverse; children all dressed up, perhaps graduation day. Left to right: Front row: Leslie Stanley, Russell Bunker, John Stanley, Holsie Atkinson, Victor Erickson. Second row: Gracie Atkinson, Bernice Spurling, Laura Erickson, Margie Bulger Phippen, Hilda Bulger Spurling, Blanch White Atkinson, Alvah Bunker. Third row: Esther White Howard, Florence Bracy, Hazel Bunker Hardy, Helen Trussell Alley, Gladys Spurling, Willard Rosebrook. Fourth row: George Hadlock Superintendent, Edgar White, Bertie Stanley, Robert Stanley, Raymond Bunker, Teacher Mamie Birlem. (IDs probably by Ruth Westphal) [show more]
2003.77.555School and property tax info
  • Document, Government, Government Records
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Ledger page, loose, school and property tax info, no date, typical names listed: William Preble, Lew Ladd, Thomas Bunker, Gilbert Family, John Steele, etc.
Ledger page, loose, school and property tax info, no date, typical names listed: William Preble, Lew Ladd, Thomas Bunker, Gilbert Family, John Steele, etc.
2010.152.1198Doris Preble Marr Bachelor's degree
  • Document, Student Record
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Bachelor of Science degree for Doris Preble Marr, from the State Teachers College. Awarded for having completed a four year course in "High School Teaching and Administration". Dated June 11th, 1934
Bachelor of Science degree for Doris Preble Marr, from the State Teachers College. Awarded for having completed a four year course in "High School Teaching and Administration". Dated June 11th, 1934
1000.123.994School photo ca. 1892
  • Image, Photograph
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
A. Photo, black and white, wood and glass frame. School children standing outside the old school house on schoolhouse hill ca. 1892 or 1893. (This old school house is now Malcolm Donald's house on Cranberry Road across from the GCIHS.) Donor related, "This picture was found behind the eaves of an upstairs closet where it had no doubt accidentally fallen many decades ago. Our house was formerly owned by Eber Spurling. The names of the people are written (in good handwriting!) by pencil, as follows, on the back of the picture frame. It would be interesting if those with local knowledge could calculate the approximate year of this photograph, and recall the married names of the girls and young women in the picture." . Stored with a booklet of the scanned photographs printed with names of individuals overlaid. B. Inscription on back of frame reads - "Back row left to right: 1. Lena Ladd, 2. Miss Rich - teacher, 3. Millicent Harding - Frank Bunker, 4. Sadie Harding, 5. Brother Spurling, 6. Sadie Bunker, 7. Lena Spurling, 8. Annie Bunker, 9. Millard Spurling, 10. Perly Stanley, 11. Elma (or Elna?) Stanley, 12. Maurice Stanley. Second Row: Ida Stover, Alfred Ladd, Addie Stanley, Vida Stanley. Third Row: Roy Bulger, Charles Richardson, Johnnie Steele, Philmore Steele, and Harvey Bulger." C. (A second print of this photograph in poor condition was discovered in March 2014 and is stored with a framed copy as (C).) (Compare with 2014.272.2018.)
A. Photo, black and white, wood and glass frame. School children standing outside the old school house on schoolhouse hill ca. 1892 or 1893. (This old school house is now Malcolm Donald's house on Cranberry Road across from the GCIHS.) Donor related, "This picture was found behind the eaves of an upstairs closet where it had no doubt accidentally fallen many decades ago. Our house was formerly owned by Eber Spurling. The names of the people are written (in good handwriting!) by pencil, as follows, on the back of the picture frame. It would be interesting if those with local knowledge could calculate the approximate year of this photograph, and recall the married names of the girls and young women in the picture." . Stored with a booklet of the scanned photographs printed with names of individuals overlaid. B. Inscription on back of frame reads - "Back row left to right: 1. Lena Ladd, 2. Miss Rich - teacher, 3. Millicent Harding - Frank Bunker, 4. Sadie Harding, 5. Brother Spurling, 6. Sadie Bunker, 7. Lena Spurling, 8. Annie Bunker, 9. Millard Spurling, 10. Perly Stanley, 11. Elma (or Elna?) Stanley, 12. Maurice Stanley. Second Row: Ida Stover, Alfred Ladd, Addie Stanley, Vida Stanley. Third Row: Roy Bulger, Charles Richardson, Johnnie Steele, Philmore Steele, and Harvey Bulger." C. (A second print of this photograph in poor condition was discovered in March 2014 and is stored with a framed copy as (C).) (Compare with 2014.272.2018.) [show more]
1000.0.584Longfellow School photos
  • Image, Photograph
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Photos, 6 color snapshots and 35mm negatives of students at Longfellow School sleepover, developed 6 Jan 1996
Photos, 6 color snapshots and 35mm negatives of students at Longfellow School sleepover, developed 6 Jan 1996
2013.246.2351Mementos from Preble family school years
  • Document, Student Record
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Mementos from the Preble family school years: (A) Card with 18 U.S. Presidents depicted (ends with Grant 1869); (B) Reward of Merit presented by W. H. Preble, Teacher; (C) Reward of Merit to Fannie A. Preble, presented by J. C. Chilcott.
Mementos from the Preble family school years: (A) Card with 18 U.S. Presidents depicted (ends with Grant 1869); (B) Reward of Merit presented by W. H. Preble, Teacher; (C) Reward of Merit to Fannie A. Preble, presented by J. C. Chilcott.
2018.416.2776Payments made for service to Town of Cranberry Isles
  • Document, Other Documents, Multi-Part Documents
  • Organizations, Civic, Municipal
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Nine documents. Eight Town of Cranberry Isles payment receipts (1876-1877), one 1885 Town of CI Schools ledger page, and one 1887 Town of Tremont receipt. Payments involve individuals including: Hadlock, Gilley, Preble, Stanley, Wayland, Hamor, Fernald, schools. See description of each document.
Nine documents. Eight Town of Cranberry Isles payment receipts (1876-1877), one 1885 Town of CI Schools ledger page, and one 1887 Town of Tremont receipt. Payments involve individuals including: Hadlock, Gilley, Preble, Stanley, Wayland, Hamor, Fernald, schools. See description of each document.
2003.77.557School and property tax information
  • Document, Government, Government Records
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Ledger page, loose, both sides used, school and property tax info, no date, appears to be a working sheet, in pencil, 9 names: Arno P. Stanley, Lewis Ladd, George Bulger, Edwin Spurling, William Bulger, Thomas Bunker, Leonard Holmes, Sam Bunker, William Bunker. Poor condition.
Ledger page, loose, both sides used, school and property tax info, no date, appears to be a working sheet, in pencil, 9 names: Arno P. Stanley, Lewis Ladd, George Bulger, Edwin Spurling, William Bulger, Thomas Bunker, Leonard Holmes, Sam Bunker, William Bunker. Poor condition.
1000.116.1080Journal with transcriptions of protestations of ships
  • Document, Other Documents, Multi-Part Documents
  • Businesses, Store Business
  • Events
  • Organizations, Civic, Post Office
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Journal with transcription. 38-page typed transcription of protestations of ships wrecked on the Cranberry Isles from an original 19th-century ledger/journal kept by William P. Preble 1867-1879. Journal transcribed by Michael Macfarlan c. 2002. One loose page partial protestation for 1893. The back of the journal also contains pages for the accounts pertaining to School district No. 2, the Post Office, and for various islanders (not transcribed). (See also 1000.0.934: selections from 1080 - sea captain's transcribed broadcasts for possible video production. (See also June 2018 Cranberry Chronicle, pages 20-13 - link below)
Journal with transcription. 38-page typed transcription of protestations of ships wrecked on the Cranberry Isles from an original 19th-century ledger/journal kept by William P. Preble 1867-1879. Journal transcribed by Michael Macfarlan c. 2002. One loose page partial protestation for 1893. The back of the journal also contains pages for the accounts pertaining to School district No. 2, the Post Office, and for various islanders (not transcribed). (See also 1000.0.934: selections from 1080 - sea captain's transcribed broadcasts for possible video production. (See also June 2018 Cranberry Chronicle, pages 20-13 - link below) [show more]
1000.0.1628Longfellow School children
  • Image, Photograph
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Photo, James Bunker, Christina, Ellen Whitney, Josh, Elysia, Kenneth Whitney, Hannah, Ellen Savage, Mandy, Molly, Scott, Audra, Jill (?), Chris Sparacio, Megan Liebow
Photo, James Bunker, Christina, Ellen Whitney, Josh, Elysia, Kenneth Whitney, Hannah, Ellen Savage, Mandy, Molly, Scott, Audra, Jill (?), Chris Sparacio, Megan Liebow
2010.152.1200Qualification for Doris McSorley to teach
  • Document, Permission, License
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Statement of Qualification for Mrs. Doris McSorley, to teach English and History in grades 1-6 in the state of Connecticut. Dated May 24th 1937.
Statement of Qualification for Mrs. Doris McSorley, to teach English and History in grades 1-6 in the state of Connecticut. Dated May 24th 1937.
2010.152.1196Andrew McSorley retirement
  • Document, Legal, Legal Documents
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Retirement contract for Andrew A. McSorley from the State of Connecticut State Teachers' Retirement Board. Retirement date effective as of July 1st, 1973, with an annuity of $124.33 and a pension of $692.51. Creditable service time totaled 37 years and 4 months.
Retirement contract for Andrew A. McSorley from the State of Connecticut State Teachers' Retirement Board. Retirement date effective as of July 1st, 1973, with an annuity of $124.33 and a pension of $692.51. Creditable service time totaled 37 years and 4 months.
2010.152.1199Teachers Certificate for Dorothy Preble Marr
  • Document, Permission, License
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
State Teachers Certificate for Miss Dorothy Preble Marr, for studies completed at Harrisonburg State Teachers College in Virginia. Certificate authorizes the teaching of high school English, Geography, History, Social Science, and all elementary school subjects, for a period of 10 years. Dated July 1st 1934. B - Record of training for Doris P. Marr at Harrisonburg State Teachers College. Breakdown of credit hours by subject.
State Teachers Certificate for Miss Dorothy Preble Marr, for studies completed at Harrisonburg State Teachers College in Virginia. Certificate authorizes the teaching of high school English, Geography, History, Social Science, and all elementary school subjects, for a period of 10 years. Dated July 1st 1934. B - Record of training for Doris P. Marr at Harrisonburg State Teachers College. Breakdown of credit hours by subject.
2010.152.1201Teaching certificate for Doris P. McSorley
  • Document, Permission, License
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Teachers Certificate, Permanent for Doris P. McSorley, granting permanent license to teach in 'Junior High School' in any public 'School System' in the state of Connecticut. Dated July 1st, 1945. B - Includes McSorley's address as 41 Oak Street, Southington, CT. Lists certificate subjects as "Grades VII and VIII", and "Endorsed for Elementary Grades I - VIII"
Teachers Certificate, Permanent for Doris P. McSorley, granting permanent license to teach in 'Junior High School' in any public 'School System' in the state of Connecticut. Dated July 1st, 1945. B - Includes McSorley's address as 41 Oak Street, Southington, CT. Lists certificate subjects as "Grades VII and VIII", and "Endorsed for Elementary Grades I - VIII"
1000.0.841Volunteers gather at the new playground Longfellow School
  • Image, Photograph
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Newspaper photo: Volunteers gather around the newly-built playground near the Longfellow School and the Great Cranberry Library; with a list of names, some unknown. Transcribed - names.
Newspaper photo: Volunteers gather around the newly-built playground near the Longfellow School and the Great Cranberry Library; with a list of names, some unknown. Transcribed - names.
1000.7.77School #2 list of pupils 1899
  • Document, Student Record
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Souvenir, School #2, 1899, student list of 23 pupils, Charles Spurling, etc. (See prop copy 1000.0.1319)
Souvenir, School #2, 1899, student list of 23 pupils, Charles Spurling, etc. (See prop copy 1000.0.1319)
1000.45.204Stephen Spurling report card
  • Document, Student Record
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Report card of Stephen Spurling, for primary school, teacher Miss Theolyn Rumill (Steve went to public school on Great Cranberry Island)
Report card of Stephen Spurling, for primary school, teacher Miss Theolyn Rumill (Steve went to public school on Great Cranberry Island)
1000.0.1015Report cards for Hillard and George Hamor
  • Document, Student Record
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Report cards, school, six of Hillard Hamor and George Hamor's report cards ranging from 1908-1910. A couple of them are signed by John Hamor as a parent's signature
Report cards, school, six of Hillard Hamor and George Hamor's report cards ranging from 1908-1910. A couple of them are signed by John Hamor as a parent's signature
1000.45.205Report card for Steve Spurling
  • Document, Student Record
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Promotion card of Steve Spurling, promoted out of third grade into fourth, 5 June 1931
Promotion card of Steve Spurling, promoted out of third grade into fourth, 5 June 1931
2012.193.1439Children at school
  • Image, Photograph
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Photo, Carolyn Liebow, Megan Liebow, Mandy Bracy, Audra Wellman, Ada Rice, Molly Gray
Photo, Carolyn Liebow, Megan Liebow, Mandy Bracy, Audra Wellman, Ada Rice, Molly Gray
2012.193.1426Halloween costumes
  • Image, Photograph
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Photo, Halloween 1986. Jennifer Westphal, Brendan Westphal, Gabriel Westphal, Lorraine Bracy
Photo, Halloween 1986. Jennifer Westphal, Brendan Westphal, Gabriel Westphal, Lorraine Bracy
2012.193.1421Christmas event
  • Image, Photograph
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Photo, Christmas 1987- Hannah, Becky, Kandy, Scott, Christina, Chris, Elysia (Alicia), Teacher Barbara Stainton
Photo, Christmas 1987- Hannah, Becky, Kandy, Scott, Christina, Chris, Elysia (Alicia), Teacher Barbara Stainton
2012.193.1413Children at school
  • Image, Photograph
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Candy Wedge, Becky Sanborn, Corey Alley, Katrina Pickering
Candy Wedge, Becky Sanborn, Corey Alley, Katrina Pickering
1000.0.1631Longfellow School-Washington, D.C. field trip
  • Image, Photograph
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Photo, "Longfellow School-Washington, D.C. Trip. Michael Westphal, Christina, Gary, Mandy (in front), Megan (behind), Colleen Allan, Molly, Scott, Brandon Russel (standing), Josh (sitting), Gabriel (sitting), Abbey Liebow (behind), Teacher Ray Chalmers (behind), James Bunker (sitting), boy sitting might be Patrick (?)
Photo, "Longfellow School-Washington, D.C. Trip. Michael Westphal, Christina, Gary, Mandy (in front), Megan (behind), Colleen Allan, Molly, Scott, Brandon Russel (standing), Josh (sitting), Gabriel (sitting), Abbey Liebow (behind), Teacher Ray Chalmers (behind), James Bunker (sitting), boy sitting might be Patrick (?)
2012.193.1448School children in costumes
  • Image, Photograph
  • Organizations, School Institution
  • People
Photo, Hannah Gray, Christina Bracy, Scott Bracy, Molly Gray, Mandy Bracy, Candy Wedge, Megan Liebow, Alicia Sporacio, Ellen Savage, Teacher Shannon Shannon
Photo, Hannah Gray, Christina Bracy, Scott Bracy, Molly Gray, Mandy Bracy, Candy Wedge, Megan Liebow, Alicia Sporacio, Ellen Savage, Teacher Shannon Shannon