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2016.344.2110Collection of scans of photos from Spurling or Phippen houses
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Places, Shore
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • Vessels, Ship
Photographs. Collection of scans of photos 2013.344.2110 (A-Y) made in 2004 from photos recovered by donor in either Hilda Spurling or Marjorie Phippen's GCI house. Unclear whether we have original photos at GCIHS. (Note: Original photo names were pw01 thru pw027, museum photos now identified as A-Y.) pw01 - pulled from an album; post-it note on back: "Moss House" (Image of Moss House with haystacks 1927) pw02 - on back: "1947"; post-it note on back: "Hilda Spurling 1947" pw03 - on back, in ink: "this is Harvard Beals Boat we are hauling on the ice" in pencil: "March 1923" pw04 - pulled from an album; on back, ballpoint ink: "Little Elener (now Buzzie)"; on post-it note: "Seimer House" pw05 - postcard; pw06 - unknown house next 3 photos were clipped together by phil whitney pw07 - unknown man in unknown boat pw08 - skyline of New York City? pw09 - pulled from an album; unknown kids on sled next 4 photos were clipped together by phil pw10 - unknown shipwreck pw11 - post-it note on back: "Spurling Cove 1923" pw12 - pulled from album; post-it note on back: "Field across from Wesley Bracy's house" but i think this is wrong as the houses across the way seem too close & numerous pw13 - post-it note on back: "Murch dock" pw14 - on back: "Sherley Louise & cat 'Jiminey'" pw15 - on back: "Margie & Hilda"; post-it note on back: "Margie Phippen & Hilda Spurling" pw16 - pulled from album; on back: "Bertie's cat 'Goody'" pw17 - on back: "Hilda & Ethel B." pw18 - pulled from album; on front: "Harriet's room, one of my rooms, my bedroom" on back: "Where we let...etc." pw19 - pulled from album, double exposure; post-it note on back: "Morrie Newell House" pw20 - on back: "Margie & Mother" pw21 - unknown vessel pw22 - unknown vessel; on back: "ship wreck on back of cranberry island" (same vessel as pw10) pw23 - on back: "The cove froxen over" post-it note on back: "Spurling Cove 1923" pw24 - on back: "Bagley's Barber shop with a little snow on the side Ha! Where I have my hair dressing done Marcel Wasco and so on Ha!" pw25 - unknown house, seems same as pw06 but has additional dormer and latticework under porch pw26 - seems to be same kids and same houses as pw14 pw27 - luxury yacht passing by GCI
Photographs. Collection of scans of photos 2013.344.2110 (A-Y) made in 2004 from photos recovered by donor in either Hilda Spurling or Marjorie Phippen's GCI house. Unclear whether we have original photos at GCIHS. (Note: Original photo names were pw01 thru pw027, museum photos now identified as A-Y.) pw01 - pulled from an album; post-it note on back: "Moss House" (Image of Moss House with haystacks 1927) pw02 - on back: "1947"; post-it note on back: "Hilda Spurling 1947" pw03 - on back, in ink: "this is Harvard Beals Boat we are hauling on the ice" in pencil: "March 1923" pw04 - pulled from an album; on back, ballpoint ink: "Little Elener (now Buzzie)"; on post-it note: "Seimer House" pw05 - postcard; pw06 - unknown house next 3 photos were clipped together by phil whitney pw07 - unknown man in unknown boat pw08 - skyline of New York City? pw09 - pulled from an album; unknown kids on sled next 4 photos were clipped together by phil pw10 - unknown shipwreck pw11 - post-it note on back: "Spurling Cove 1923" pw12 - pulled from album; post-it note on back: "Field across from Wesley Bracy's house" but i think this is wrong as the houses across the way seem too close & numerous pw13 - post-it note on back: "Murch dock" pw14 - on back: "Sherley Louise & cat 'Jiminey'" pw15 - on back: "Margie & Hilda"; post-it note on back: "Margie Phippen & Hilda Spurling" pw16 - pulled from album; on back: "Bertie's cat 'Goody'" pw17 - on back: "Hilda & Ethel B." pw18 - pulled from album; on front: "Harriet's room, one of my rooms, my bedroom" on back: "Where we let...etc." pw19 - pulled from album, double exposure; post-it note on back: "Morrie Newell House" pw20 - on back: "Margie & Mother" pw21 - unknown vessel pw22 - unknown vessel; on back: "ship wreck on back of cranberry island" (same vessel as pw10) pw23 - on back: "The cove froxen over" post-it note on back: "Spurling Cove 1923" pw24 - on back: "Bagley's Barber shop with a little snow on the side Ha! Where I have my hair dressing done Marcel Wasco and so on Ha!" pw25 - unknown house, seems same as pw06 but has additional dormer and latticework under porch pw26 - seems to be same kids and same houses as pw14 pw27 - luxury yacht passing by GCI [show more]
2016.381.2144Letters re: Sanford v. Preble lawsuit
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • People
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Letters. Collection. Folder of 13 letters relating to Samuel Sanford v. William Preble lawsuit, with mention of a claim by Fernald [and possibly Spurling] 1900-1904. These materials indicate Preble was in so much debt he could have lost his entire property. (See other materials related to suit at end of this description.) 1. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr., Counselor at Law (Offices at Ellsworth and Bar Harbor), from Ellsworth, Me. Feb 2, 1900 to Capt. B. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine, 2 ½ typewritten pages marked "Dictated" at the top, with handwritten corrections within. Two suits now pending by [Samuel] Sanford against Mr. Preble [William P. Preble], the second suit causing more delay. Lawyer has taken testimonies and wants to take more testimony; auditor can't make his report until completed. Doubts if there will be a trial in April. Things are complicated by W. H. Preble's death [W.P's son] who knew the details of the case. Lawyer says Sanford did furnish a lot of supplies and labor, even if a bit exaggerated, and thinks there will be a balance due Sanford, even with Preble's charges for Sanford's board and his bill to Sanford (which Peters thinks is over-charged). Suggests stave off both suits until October term and make a decent settlement. "Of course we are for the defendant and the longer we put them off, the more we tire them out, and the better prospect we have of getting a favorable settlement." (This letter was scanned 12/21/16.) [Note: The envelope clipped to this letter is addressed to Mrs. B.H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor dated June 1901] 2. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr., Counselor at Law from Ellsworth, Me, April 3rd, 1900 to Capt. Benj. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. 3 ½ typewritten pages marked "Dictated" at the top. Responding to Spurling's letters of Feb. 25 and March 30th. Sanford suits will be delayed until October. "The old gentleman cannot be disturbed as long as we hold off Sanford, and prevent his getting any judgment…" Preble's place is "attached for large sums of money." Spurling and William P. Preble, Jr. [Preble's son] will assist with Preble's matters. Peters talks about Spurling's mention of papers that Mr. Preble gave to William H. Preble, but knows nothing of them. "His property will have to go first for the payment of his debts, and I do not imagine that there will be anything left after the payment of the debts." Mentions Mrs. Fernald's claim on page 3; she stands to get the same percentage as the others. Wonders how long Spurling will be away on his fishing business and if he knows of a good trade in a sloop boat, "a good large boat of the knockabaout style." [Envelope clipped to this letter is addressed to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles Maine and postmarked June 1901] 3. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr. Counselor at Law from Ellsworth, Me, April 25, 1900, to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles, Me, Two typewritten half-pages, bluish ink, marked "dictated" at the top. Peters writes of his correspondence with Capt. Spurling who is evidently your good friend. They did not have a chance to get down to see Preble before Spurling left for Bristol. He hopes Preble will not "borrow any trouble about the matter" (worry), and Peters is sorry to hear of the "recent grief that has befallen your son's family." With envelope postmarked April 25, 1900. 4. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr. Counselor at Law etc from Ellsworth, Me, Sept. 20th, 1900, to William P. Preble, Esq., Cranberry Isles, Maine, Two typewritten half-pages, marked "dictated" at the top. This letter is blurred purplish ink. Peters responds to Preble's "favor" of Sept. 18th and explains he hasn't seen him because he didn't want to disturb him with matters of the case. Auditor is still taking testimony - took the deposition of William P. Richardson last week at Bar Harbor. Richardson's testimony somewhat damaging to Preble. Preble seems to have charged Richardson a lot less than Sanford for shore privileges in connection with the outer weir. Peters has asked Capt. Spurling to come up to Ellsworth and go over the testimony. 5. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr. Counselor at Law etc from Ellsworth, Me, Jan. 24th, 1901, to Capt. B.H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Two typewritten pages, marked "Dictated" at the top. This letter is purplish ink. Peters responds to Spurling's Jan 7th letter. He says he got the case continued to April with considerable difficulty. The report of the auditor was filed "and I send you copies of his report in each case" (note: copies are not with this letter 12/12/16 they may be with previous catalogue entries), and he asks that Spurling return them to him. Still hoping to procure further delay. Peters says "If the old gentleman holds on until March it would be my idea to have you go to Cranberry Isle and meet Sanford and Mr. Preble, and see if you could not arrange a settlement by setting off to Sanford some land, which he should take title to by deed, to take effect ater mr. Preble's death, that is reserving a life interest to Mr. Preble." "I presume the principal thing now is to make it comfortable and easy for Mr. Preble as long as he lives, and also to save something for your sister who has served so faithfully." 6. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, April 15th, 1901, to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles, Maine. One handwritten page, both sides, marked "Dictated" at the top. Peters responds to Preble's "favor" of the 13th and regrets very much Preble did not follow his instruction to rest easy. He will send copies of the "deeds we passed with Sanford" after they are recorded. Thinks they made a favorable deal with Sanford, the suits are out of court and no litigation pending. Seems Preble may have been confused about some of the details including a shore access right of way. To have contested the report could have entailed considerable expense; Peters speaks of other options they could have taken that wouldn't have been so favorable, reminds him that he'd desired Peters to make the best settlement he could. He'll send details and figures in his next letter. 7. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, April 22nd, 1901, to Mrs Benj. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. One and a half typewritten pages, purple ink, marked "Dictated" at the top. Peters responds to Mrs. Spurling's letter of the 18th, saying "Your father was likely to lose the whole of his property, but I effected a settlement, so that he saves a large portion of it." Says he tried to telephone your town (Boothbay) to get her husband to go to the Island but he was away to sea. Mrs. Richardson was not called to testify because "your late bother and your father did not think it wise at the time." He would have been glad to have her testimony. She's "a woman of a very sharp tongue" and "so I rather though at the time that they hardly dared to call her." [Note: Is this Carrie M. Richardson they speak of here?] 8. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, June 8, 1901, to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles, Maine. One typewritten page purple ink, marked "Dictated" at the top. Enclosing the statement in full and detail of settlement with Mr. Sanford, the value placed upon each lot, and a copy of your deed to Sanford and the original [and a copy] of Sanford's deed to you. [Nothing with this letter 12/12/16.] States Preble will be "undisputed n your premises, and free of litigation in your old age." He also states the matter of why Mrs. Richardson was not called as a witness is mentioned in the statement. 9. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, June 8, 1901, to Mrs. B. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. One typewritten page marked "Dictated" at the top. Peters sends her the statement of the recent transactions in the suits between your father and Mr. Sanford with a summary of the settlement and other details relating to the closing up of the suits." 10. Letter from Wm. P. Preble (by C.M.R) [Carrie M. Richardson] Cranberry Isles, Nov. 15, 1901, to Hon. J. A. Peters, Jr., Ellsworth, Maine. Two handwritten pages, two-sided. Preble is telling Peters about his affairs. On the 29 [next letters illeg], and the day after he found himself locked out from his own buildings when he went to the shore. Preble is very upset: "Must I submit to this, and is there no redress?" Preble also writes that Wm. P. Richardson has purchased of S.C. Sandford [sic] a piece of woodland run off by G. R. Fuller (sp?), on the [southern or northern] part of my home lot which now remains to be proven." Please let him know what to do. He mentions Capt. B.H. Spurling but unclear what he means. 11. Letter from Egenia Brumell(sp?) of 304 Harrison St., Syracuse, NY, to her brother Benjamin Spurling of Boothbay Harbor, Maine, dated Feb. 4th, 1903; three, two-sided, handwritten pages. Explains she's been unable to get the facts of the case[Sanford v. Preble presumably]. She wrote to his wife, Fannie. Fannie thought she was crazy. Author says she has endured insults the last time she visited the homestead. How gladly Matilda closed the door on her and father would not say goodbye. Says her dear stepfather who she always loved has since send his blessing and goodbye. Says Preble took Samuel Sanford and the family too much in his confidence. She prayed the Matilda and Dora[?] should die and Sam be deprived of all he thinks will be his. Implores brother to take her advice immediately. Explains the homestead lot belongs to the heirs of Samuel Spurling (now deceased). What father bought since belongs to his children alone. Gives advice and begs her brother to get father to sign to this effect, that undo influence was used and father didn't know what he was doing. He's injuring his children. Undo the wrong. "Sam [Sanford] has no right to it." Do it now [Preble is old and ailing]. Spurling heirs are entitled to that place, so many acres, land, house etc. God is on her side. She is willing to sell to her brother and take out mortgage from him to hold her claim in the property and secure herself. Wants to visit the island next summer. Mentions Frank is in Trinidad and heading north, "Oh that my sons were safe on shore." Carrie [Richardson?] is interested in missionary work at home and is president and treasurer of the "Society." They had a blizzard yesterday. Author will be 68 on 20th June and is still in good physical shape. She has hired a room from a very accommodating man and wife but is tired of the city. Talks about current difficult issues in the world, her predictions for future, and how she works for every penny. Mentions that her brother's eldest daughter is taking medicine for asthma. "I have known poverty and am disgusted with it, particularly when I would like to play lady bountiful." 12. Letter from Thulma(?) M. Harding of Lamoine [ME] to her brother Captain B. H. Spurling of Boothbay Harbor, Me, dated Mar. 29th, 1903. Responds to her brother's letter, saying she's of the same mind as before. She can't see why she's called to help take cre of "Esq." [is this Preble?], and she 'does not know of the many benefits I have received from him." Surely my father left property enough to take care of his children. "I know I worked hard enough taking care of The Esq.'s children to pay for all I ever received." She doesn't feel the debt of gratitude. She has never received anything from her father. "Has not the Esq had the benefit of everything my father owned all his life?" Mentions Joseph (her husband?) got a bill for $100 for her wedding clothing. She agrees with her brother that he [Preble] has been wronged by those he chose in place of his own children. She almost lost her island home so she could go live in peace. She's glad Sarah can give up her part so willingly. When he is really ready to buy, she will name her price. She sends her love to Fanny and the family. 13. Letter from T. E. Welles, Mayor, City of Pensacola, Fla, to Captain B. H. Spurling of Boothbay Harbor, Me, dated June 13th, 1904. One typewritten page, purple ink. Replies to the Captain's 'favor of the 8th' wondering at his silence. Sorry to hear he had lost two large schools of fish but glad he had a good trip after all. He had two letters from Sam Josephs who never writes much about his stock. He doesn't write unless he has a good trip of fish. Welles says we had just launched another new vessel, The Frances H., named for the wife of Mr. W. G. Robins, Treasurer of A Booth & Co., Chicago. Discusses other boat transactions. Said the vessels had stayed in for the primary election last Tuesday. He only has one more year as Mayor and may be able to get East after that. Closes with: Your friend. [Seems to be unrelated to the Preble lawsuit.] See also other catalogued items relating to these letters: Item Nos. 811-829, 832, depositions, court documents, family correspondence were gifts from a different donor. Item Nos. 1209-1214 are correspondence and documents re: suit, gift of this donor.
Letters. Collection. Folder of 13 letters relating to Samuel Sanford v. William Preble lawsuit, with mention of a claim by Fernald [and possibly Spurling] 1900-1904. These materials indicate Preble was in so much debt he could have lost his entire property. (See other materials related to suit at end of this description.) 1. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr., Counselor at Law (Offices at Ellsworth and Bar Harbor), from Ellsworth, Me. Feb 2, 1900 to Capt. B. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine, 2 ½ typewritten pages marked "Dictated" at the top, with handwritten corrections within. Two suits now pending by [Samuel] Sanford against Mr. Preble [William P. Preble], the second suit causing more delay. Lawyer has taken testimonies and wants to take more testimony; auditor can't make his report until completed. Doubts if there will be a trial in April. Things are complicated by W. H. Preble's death [W.P's son] who knew the details of the case. Lawyer says Sanford did furnish a lot of supplies and labor, even if a bit exaggerated, and thinks there will be a balance due Sanford, even with Preble's charges for Sanford's board and his bill to Sanford (which Peters thinks is over-charged). Suggests stave off both suits until October term and make a decent settlement. "Of course we are for the defendant and the longer we put them off, the more we tire them out, and the better prospect we have of getting a favorable settlement." (This letter was scanned 12/21/16.) [Note: The envelope clipped to this letter is addressed to Mrs. B.H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor dated June 1901] 2. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr., Counselor at Law from Ellsworth, Me, April 3rd, 1900 to Capt. Benj. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. 3 ½ typewritten pages marked "Dictated" at the top. Responding to Spurling's letters of Feb. 25 and March 30th. Sanford suits will be delayed until October. "The old gentleman cannot be disturbed as long as we hold off Sanford, and prevent his getting any judgment…" Preble's place is "attached for large sums of money." Spurling and William P. Preble, Jr. [Preble's son] will assist with Preble's matters. Peters talks about Spurling's mention of papers that Mr. Preble gave to William H. Preble, but knows nothing of them. "His property will have to go first for the payment of his debts, and I do not imagine that there will be anything left after the payment of the debts." Mentions Mrs. Fernald's claim on page 3; she stands to get the same percentage as the others. Wonders how long Spurling will be away on his fishing business and if he knows of a good trade in a sloop boat, "a good large boat of the knockabaout style." [Envelope clipped to this letter is addressed to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles Maine and postmarked June 1901] 3. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr. Counselor at Law from Ellsworth, Me, April 25, 1900, to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles, Me, Two typewritten half-pages, bluish ink, marked "dictated" at the top. Peters writes of his correspondence with Capt. Spurling who is evidently your good friend. They did not have a chance to get down to see Preble before Spurling left for Bristol. He hopes Preble will not "borrow any trouble about the matter" (worry), and Peters is sorry to hear of the "recent grief that has befallen your son's family." With envelope postmarked April 25, 1900. 4. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr. Counselor at Law etc from Ellsworth, Me, Sept. 20th, 1900, to William P. Preble, Esq., Cranberry Isles, Maine, Two typewritten half-pages, marked "dictated" at the top. This letter is blurred purplish ink. Peters responds to Preble's "favor" of Sept. 18th and explains he hasn't seen him because he didn't want to disturb him with matters of the case. Auditor is still taking testimony - took the deposition of William P. Richardson last week at Bar Harbor. Richardson's testimony somewhat damaging to Preble. Preble seems to have charged Richardson a lot less than Sanford for shore privileges in connection with the outer weir. Peters has asked Capt. Spurling to come up to Ellsworth and go over the testimony. 5. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr. Counselor at Law etc from Ellsworth, Me, Jan. 24th, 1901, to Capt. B.H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Two typewritten pages, marked "Dictated" at the top. This letter is purplish ink. Peters responds to Spurling's Jan 7th letter. He says he got the case continued to April with considerable difficulty. The report of the auditor was filed "and I send you copies of his report in each case" (note: copies are not with this letter 12/12/16 they may be with previous catalogue entries), and he asks that Spurling return them to him. Still hoping to procure further delay. Peters says "If the old gentleman holds on until March it would be my idea to have you go to Cranberry Isle and meet Sanford and Mr. Preble, and see if you could not arrange a settlement by setting off to Sanford some land, which he should take title to by deed, to take effect ater mr. Preble's death, that is reserving a life interest to Mr. Preble." "I presume the principal thing now is to make it comfortable and easy for Mr. Preble as long as he lives, and also to save something for your sister who has served so faithfully." 6. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, April 15th, 1901, to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles, Maine. One handwritten page, both sides, marked "Dictated" at the top. Peters responds to Preble's "favor" of the 13th and regrets very much Preble did not follow his instruction to rest easy. He will send copies of the "deeds we passed with Sanford" after they are recorded. Thinks they made a favorable deal with Sanford, the suits are out of court and no litigation pending. Seems Preble may have been confused about some of the details including a shore access right of way. To have contested the report could have entailed considerable expense; Peters speaks of other options they could have taken that wouldn't have been so favorable, reminds him that he'd desired Peters to make the best settlement he could. He'll send details and figures in his next letter. 7. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, April 22nd, 1901, to Mrs Benj. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. One and a half typewritten pages, purple ink, marked "Dictated" at the top. Peters responds to Mrs. Spurling's letter of the 18th, saying "Your father was likely to lose the whole of his property, but I effected a settlement, so that he saves a large portion of it." Says he tried to telephone your town (Boothbay) to get her husband to go to the Island but he was away to sea. Mrs. Richardson was not called to testify because "your late bother and your father did not think it wise at the time." He would have been glad to have her testimony. She's "a woman of a very sharp tongue" and "so I rather though at the time that they hardly dared to call her." [Note: Is this Carrie M. Richardson they speak of here?] 8. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, June 8, 1901, to William P. Preble Esq, Cranberry Isles, Maine. One typewritten page purple ink, marked "Dictated" at the top. Enclosing the statement in full and detail of settlement with Mr. Sanford, the value placed upon each lot, and a copy of your deed to Sanford and the original [and a copy] of Sanford's deed to you. [Nothing with this letter 12/12/16.] States Preble will be "undisputed n your premises, and free of litigation in your old age." He also states the matter of why Mrs. Richardson was not called as a witness is mentioned in the statement. 9. Letter from John A. Peters, Jr, Counsellor at Law etc from Ellsowrth, Me, June 8, 1901, to Mrs. B. H. Spurling, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. One typewritten page marked "Dictated" at the top. Peters sends her the statement of the recent transactions in the suits between your father and Mr. Sanford with a summary of the settlement and other details relating to the closing up of the suits." 10. Letter from Wm. P. Preble (by C.M.R) [Carrie M. Richardson] Cranberry Isles, Nov. 15, 1901, to Hon. J. A. Peters, Jr., Ellsworth, Maine. Two handwritten pages, two-sided. Preble is telling Peters about his affairs. On the 29 [next letters illeg], and the day after he found himself locked out from his own buildings when he went to the shore. Preble is very upset: "Must I submit to this, and is there no redress?" Preble also writes that Wm. P. Richardson has purchased of S.C. Sandford [sic] a piece of woodland run off by G. R. Fuller (sp?), on the [southern or northern] part of my home lot which now remains to be proven." Please let him know what to do. He mentions Capt. B.H. Spurling but unclear what he means. 11. Letter from Egenia Brumell(sp?) of 304 Harrison St., Syracuse, NY, to her brother Benjamin Spurling of Boothbay Harbor, Maine, dated Feb. 4th, 1903; three, two-sided, handwritten pages. Explains she's been unable to get the facts of the case[Sanford v. Preble presumably]. She wrote to his wife, Fannie. Fannie thought she was crazy. Author says she has endured insults the last time she visited the homestead. How gladly Matilda closed the door on her and father would not say goodbye. Says her dear stepfather who she always loved has since send his blessing and goodbye. Says Preble took Samuel Sanford and the family too much in his confidence. She prayed the Matilda and Dora[?] should die and Sam be deprived of all he thinks will be his. Implores brother to take her advice immediately. Explains the homestead lot belongs to the heirs of Samuel Spurling (now deceased). What father bought since belongs to his children alone. Gives advice and begs her brother to get father to sign to this effect, that undo influence was used and father didn't know what he was doing. He's injuring his children. Undo the wrong. "Sam [Sanford] has no right to it." Do it now [Preble is old and ailing]. Spurling heirs are entitled to that place, so many acres, land, house etc. God is on her side. She is willing to sell to her brother and take out mortgage from him to hold her claim in the property and secure herself. Wants to visit the island next summer. Mentions Frank is in Trinidad and heading north, "Oh that my sons were safe on shore." Carrie [Richardson?] is interested in missionary work at home and is president and treasurer of the "Society." They had a blizzard yesterday. Author will be 68 on 20th June and is still in good physical shape. She has hired a room from a very accommodating man and wife but is tired of the city. Talks about current difficult issues in the world, her predictions for future, and how she works for every penny. Mentions that her brother's eldest daughter is taking medicine for asthma. "I have known poverty and am disgusted with it, particularly when I would like to play lady bountiful." 12. Letter from Thulma(?) M. Harding of Lamoine [ME] to her brother Captain B. H. Spurling of Boothbay Harbor, Me, dated Mar. 29th, 1903. Responds to her brother's letter, saying she's of the same mind as before. She can't see why she's called to help take cre of "Esq." [is this Preble?], and she 'does not know of the many benefits I have received from him." Surely my father left property enough to take care of his children. "I know I worked hard enough taking care of The Esq.'s children to pay for all I ever received." She doesn't feel the debt of gratitude. She has never received anything from her father. "Has not the Esq had the benefit of everything my father owned all his life?" Mentions Joseph (her husband?) got a bill for $100 for her wedding clothing. She agrees with her brother that he [Preble] has been wronged by those he chose in place of his own children. She almost lost her island home so she could go live in peace. She's glad Sarah can give up her part so willingly. When he is really ready to buy, she will name her price. She sends her love to Fanny and the family. 13. Letter from T. E. Welles, Mayor, City of Pensacola, Fla, to Captain B. H. Spurling of Boothbay Harbor, Me, dated June 13th, 1904. One typewritten page, purple ink. Replies to the Captain's 'favor of the 8th' wondering at his silence. Sorry to hear he had lost two large schools of fish but glad he had a good trip after all. He had two letters from Sam Josephs who never writes much about his stock. He doesn't write unless he has a good trip of fish. Welles says we had just launched another new vessel, The Frances H., named for the wife of Mr. W. G. Robins, Treasurer of A Booth & Co., Chicago. Discusses other boat transactions. Said the vessels had stayed in for the primary election last Tuesday. He only has one more year as Mayor and may be able to get East after that. Closes with: Your friend. [Seems to be unrelated to the Preble lawsuit.] See also other catalogued items relating to these letters: Item Nos. 811-829, 832, depositions, court documents, family correspondence were gifts from a different donor. Item Nos. 1209-1214 are correspondence and documents re: suit, gift of this donor. [show more]
2016.381.2151Genealogy. Marr, Preble, and Spurling families
  • Document, Other Documents, Genealogy Records
  • People
Documents. Genealogy. Marr, Preble, and Spurling families. 1. Original. Family Register (color print) of William Pitt Preble's siblings and his parents Esaias and Mary A. Preble. 2. Family Register – color faded- William P. Preble and Abigail C. Preble and the children they had together. 3. Article. Ellsworth American 1987 – Double B mail boat and Ferry, "It Carries About Everything that will Fit" with photos of Captain John Gannon and passengers. 4. Envelopes. Two addressed to Miss Fannie A. Preble no contents. One from Wells Fargo and Co, the other from Cold Hill. 5. Photo. Small, black and white, C.S. Spurling Hebron Academy, Sept. 15, 1902, Class of 1902. 6. Documents. Genealogy of William Pitt Preble family and a copy of same. Handwritten. 7. Documents. Genealogy of children of Whillimenia and Fleurase(?) Bunker and a copy of same. Handwritten. 8. Document. Copy. School Agent's Census Return, 1888, District 3, Town of CI 9. Article. Wade H. Marr “East End Locals” 1914. 10. Article. Copy about artist Carl Nelson – The Great Sage of Cranberry Island, ca. mid-1980s. 11. Document. Members of Second Maine Cavalry and Friends of General Andrew B. Spurling - announcing a 90 page book to be sold for benefit of General Spurling. Cost $1.00, postage 4 cents, Address: C.C. Roberts, 879 Millard Avenue, Chicago, Ill. (Civil War Medal of Honor recipient born and raised on GCI.) 12. Photograph. Oval, black and white of young Wade Marr, Father of Louise Marr (donor). 13. Photograph, magazine: an example of a corduroy road like that built on GCI for I-95. 14. Copy of a newspaper article "Our Workers", a portion of an article by Charles Harwood about raising funds for the church, and contains information about the Wheelwright family. No date 15. Print of the Coat of Arms for the Marr family.
Documents. Genealogy. Marr, Preble, and Spurling families. 1. Original. Family Register (color print) of William Pitt Preble's siblings and his parents Esaias and Mary A. Preble. 2. Family Register – color faded- William P. Preble and Abigail C. Preble and the children they had together. 3. Article. Ellsworth American 1987 – Double B mail boat and Ferry, "It Carries About Everything that will Fit" with photos of Captain John Gannon and passengers. 4. Envelopes. Two addressed to Miss Fannie A. Preble no contents. One from Wells Fargo and Co, the other from Cold Hill. 5. Photo. Small, black and white, C.S. Spurling Hebron Academy, Sept. 15, 1902, Class of 1902. 6. Documents. Genealogy of William Pitt Preble family and a copy of same. Handwritten. 7. Documents. Genealogy of children of Whillimenia and Fleurase(?) Bunker and a copy of same. Handwritten. 8. Document. Copy. School Agent's Census Return, 1888, District 3, Town of CI 9. Article. Wade H. Marr “East End Locals” 1914. 10. Article. Copy about artist Carl Nelson – The Great Sage of Cranberry Island, ca. mid-1980s. 11. Document. Members of Second Maine Cavalry and Friends of General Andrew B. Spurling - announcing a 90 page book to be sold for benefit of General Spurling. Cost $1.00, postage 4 cents, Address: C.C. Roberts, 879 Millard Avenue, Chicago, Ill. (Civil War Medal of Honor recipient born and raised on GCI.) 12. Photograph. Oval, black and white of young Wade Marr, Father of Louise Marr (donor). 13. Photograph, magazine: an example of a corduroy road like that built on GCI for I-95. 14. Copy of a newspaper article "Our Workers", a portion of an article by Charles Harwood about raising funds for the church, and contains information about the Wheelwright family. No date 15. Print of the Coat of Arms for the Marr family. [show more]
2015.325.2087Genealogical information for Edith Drury
  • Document, Other Documents, Genealogy Records
  • People
Genealogy. Edith Drury background information, probably for the 2013 GCIHS "Three Heroines" publication, from Dr. Georgiana Rodiger. Edith Drury b. 1916, daughter of Dr. Samuel Drury, head of St. Paul's School in Concord, NH. Attended Radcliffe College, worked with Maine Seacoast Mission and the Sunbeam for 20 years, lived in Bar Harbor and then on GCI in an 1840s Cape house on Cranberry Road. There is also information on Georgie Rodiger's family included in this packet of information. Copies of various articles.
Genealogy. Edith Drury background information, probably for the 2013 GCIHS "Three Heroines" publication, from Dr. Georgiana Rodiger. Edith Drury b. 1916, daughter of Dr. Samuel Drury, head of St. Paul's School in Concord, NH. Attended Radcliffe College, worked with Maine Seacoast Mission and the Sunbeam for 20 years, lived in Bar Harbor and then on GCI in an 1840s Cape house on Cranberry Road. There is also information on Georgie Rodiger's family included in this packet of information. Copies of various articles. [show more]
1000.27.702Benedition by Arthur Forrester
  • Document, Other Documents
  • People
Document, original of "A Cranberry Isles Benediction" by Arthur Forrester, along with short note from Art to Bruce Komusin on how he wanted it printed, and also a proof of Komusin's design. It was distributed on GCI in late July 1995, on the occasion of Arthur Forrester's retirement as summer guest minister of the Congregational Church
Document, original of "A Cranberry Isles Benediction" by Arthur Forrester, along with short note from Art to Bruce Komusin on how he wanted it printed, and also a proof of Komusin's design. It was distributed on GCI in late July 1995, on the occasion of Arthur Forrester's retirement as summer guest minister of the Congregational Church
1000.7.108Birth info W.E. Duren
  • Document, Other Documents
  • People
Note, stating W.E. Duren born in Bangor, 28 Dec 1881
Note, stating W.E. Duren born in Bangor, 28 Dec 1881
2012.204.1691Copy of photo descriptions (Items # 1676-1690)
  • Document, Other Documents, GCIHS Collection Records
  • People
Document, Copy of photo descriptions (Items # 1676-1690) submitted by Annie Alley on 3/20/2012-pictures are on loan to Great Cranberry Isle Historical Society
Document, Copy of photo descriptions (Items # 1676-1690) submitted by Annie Alley on 3/20/2012-pictures are on loan to Great Cranberry Isle Historical Society
2004.105.764John McDonald tribute
  • Publication, Clipping
  • People
Appreciation of John McDonald by James M. Storey, biographical, probably published in alumni magazine
Appreciation of John McDonald by James M. Storey, biographical, probably published in alumni magazine
1000.0.946Sammy Sanford and Peter Richardson article
  • Publication, Literary, Article
  • People
Sammy Sanford and Peter Richardson from the Grotonian Articles
Sammy Sanford and Peter Richardson from the Grotonian Articles
1000.0.1387Native American exhibit poster
  • Document, Other Documents, GCIHS Collection Records
  • People
Poster made by Wini Smart for the museum: Native Americans
Poster made by Wini Smart for the museum: Native Americans
1000.114.843Susan Michalski resume
  • Document, Other Documents
  • People
Artist's Resume , Artist's Statement, and "Ancestors" an explanation of her collage; Susan (Donald) Michalski is the sister of Malcolm Donald and Peter Donald
Artist's Resume , Artist's Statement, and "Ancestors" an explanation of her collage; Susan (Donald) Michalski is the sister of Malcolm Donald and Peter Donald
  • Document, Other Documents
  • People
Certificate. United States of America honors the memory of Hazel E. Peterson.... signed by George Bush, President of the United States. (Not dated) Address on reverse is "Mrs. Louise Millar in memory of Hazel E. Peterson, PO Box 106, Cranberry Isle, ME 04625"
Certificate. United States of America honors the memory of Hazel E. Peterson.... signed by George Bush, President of the United States. (Not dated) Address on reverse is "Mrs. Louise Millar in memory of Hazel E. Peterson, PO Box 106, Cranberry Isle, ME 04625"
2018.425.2573Notes about GCIHS audio tapes by Bruce Komusin
  • Document, Other Documents, GCIHS Collection Records
  • People
Bruce Komusin's handwritten notes about various GCIHS audio taped interviews: Ruth Stanley's tape has info about all houses on island. Hilda Spurling tape has history of her house, rebels on the island; 462 tape conversation with Hilda Spurling Oct. 8, 1984 will be 82 year Nov. 19, 1984, gold color MD; Blue MD - Cox Victrola Records. Archive with corresponding tapes. Gift of Bruce Komusin
Bruce Komusin's handwritten notes about various GCIHS audio taped interviews: Ruth Stanley's tape has info about all houses on island. Hilda Spurling tape has history of her house, rebels on the island; 462 tape conversation with Hilda Spurling Oct. 8, 1984 will be 82 year Nov. 19, 1984, gold color MD; Blue MD - Cox Victrola Records. Archive with corresponding tapes. Gift of Bruce Komusin
2014.291.2046Eight boxes of research papers from Ralph Stanley
  • Document, Other Documents, Multi-Part Documents
  • People
Documents. (Preliminary catalogue entry). Seven boxes of research papers now housed in 8 archival boxes and folders. Box 1: Papers from Mrs. Libby, Bob Pyle's mother, to Ralph Stanley, ca. 1970 which used to be stored in her safe but were given to Ralph for safe keeping: geneaology (could be in Sawtelle's handwriting; Ralph has typewritten copies in his possession). File folder 1 holds items from the top of Ralph's original box- File folder 6 would have been from the bottom of his box. Loose papers and some bound together. Box 2: Leslie Victor Stanley's papers (LVS) ("Uncle Les") = genealogy and other documents, perhaps pertaining to LVS book on houses of GCI. Box 3: Gold binder marked "census". Box 4A= Binder labeled "Cranberry Isles Maine, births and deaths 1763-1890 Archives Augusta, ME." Box 4B= Black binder containing newspaper articles, unknown letter, genealogy and other papers. Second binder labeled "Mass Vital Statistics - Stanley." Box 5= 3 binders: Mass. Stanley genealogy; A-Z Families genealogical info; notebook on genealogy. Box 6= two binders: The first five children of William and Hannah Gilley, Jr.(Hannah, William 3rd, Elisha, Eunice, and Francis). Second binder: genealogy, articles, etc. on Gilleys: Joseph, Matilda, Samuel, Lucinda, John, Mary, and Almira. Box 7= Three file folders with genealogical materials removed from colorful cardboard folders: obituaries, notes, two original receipts; Cemeteries of Southwest Harbor and Manset, ME; Benjamin Spurling, Sr. His Wife and 11 children and 55 grandchildren; Stanleys of Swans Island, ME; Stanleys in Massachusetts; Three Bunker Families on GCI - genealogy. (Note: This accession of 8 boxes presently catalogued under this number may eventually be combined with a second accession of Ralph Stanley papers 2014.296.2049 as topics and materials from donor may be related or duplicated.)
Documents. (Preliminary catalogue entry). Seven boxes of research papers now housed in 8 archival boxes and folders. Box 1: Papers from Mrs. Libby, Bob Pyle's mother, to Ralph Stanley, ca. 1970 which used to be stored in her safe but were given to Ralph for safe keeping: geneaology (could be in Sawtelle's handwriting; Ralph has typewritten copies in his possession). File folder 1 holds items from the top of Ralph's original box- File folder 6 would have been from the bottom of his box. Loose papers and some bound together. Box 2: Leslie Victor Stanley's papers (LVS) ("Uncle Les") = genealogy and other documents, perhaps pertaining to LVS book on houses of GCI. Box 3: Gold binder marked "census". Box 4A= Binder labeled "Cranberry Isles Maine, births and deaths 1763-1890 Archives Augusta, ME." Box 4B= Black binder containing newspaper articles, unknown letter, genealogy and other papers. Second binder labeled "Mass Vital Statistics - Stanley." Box 5= 3 binders: Mass. Stanley genealogy; A-Z Families genealogical info; notebook on genealogy. Box 6= two binders: The first five children of William and Hannah Gilley, Jr.(Hannah, William 3rd, Elisha, Eunice, and Francis). Second binder: genealogy, articles, etc. on Gilleys: Joseph, Matilda, Samuel, Lucinda, John, Mary, and Almira. Box 7= Three file folders with genealogical materials removed from colorful cardboard folders: obituaries, notes, two original receipts; Cemeteries of Southwest Harbor and Manset, ME; Benjamin Spurling, Sr. His Wife and 11 children and 55 grandchildren; Stanleys of Swans Island, ME; Stanleys in Massachusetts; Three Bunker Families on GCI - genealogy. (Note: This accession of 8 boxes presently catalogued under this number may eventually be combined with a second accession of Ralph Stanley papers 2014.296.2049 as topics and materials from donor may be related or duplicated.) [show more]
2012.200.1590Notes by Phil Whitney
  • Document, Other Documents, Genealogy Records
  • People
Document, written by Phil Whitney. At bottom of paper, "Gaile's (Colby) mother was Ida Tollman and related to Rachel Field."
Document, written by Phil Whitney. At bottom of paper, "Gaile's (Colby) mother was Ida Tollman and related to Rachel Field."
2018.425.921Notes on interviews of islanders
  • Document, Oral History
  • People
Bruce Komusin's notes on interviews with Ralph Stanley, Ada Rice, Tud Bunker, and Marjorie Phippen
Bruce Komusin's notes on interviews with Ralph Stanley, Ada Rice, Tud Bunker, and Marjorie Phippen
1000.0.1104Collection of materials from Louise Marr
  • Document, Other Documents, Multi-Part Documents
  • People
Collection of Louise Marr related items and donations, and the Preble House, 1104a-d. (a) Photo of Louise Marr. (b) Inventory of items donated by Louise Marr February 2006. (c) Transcription of William Preble's income. (d) Write up used for the Preble display in museum
Collection of Louise Marr related items and donations, and the Preble House, 1104a-d. (a) Photo of Louise Marr. (b) Inventory of items donated by Louise Marr February 2006. (c) Transcription of William Preble's income. (d) Write up used for the Preble display in museum
  • Document, Legal, Legal Documents
  • People
Documents. One handwritten note, and a collection of 33 checks authorizing Benjamin Spurling or A.C. Fernald as Town of Cranberry Isles Treasurers to pay various individuals various amounts during 1865-1866, and signed by certain Selectmen of Cranberry Isles. A .C. Fernald lived on GCI and/or MDI with business interests on Sutton Island including a brickyard, boatyard, and store; he eventually began manufacturing caskets (p. 81 Islands of the Mid-Maine coast Vol II. He was the grandfather of the donor's husband who lives in Somesville in 2015. Documents were discovered in 1998 in Check Nos.10-13 all dated April 4, 1865 - for amounts to be paid by Benjamin Spurling as Treasurer to William P. Preble, Esq., William H. Preble, and Thomas Bunker, Esq. "it being for men drafted March 20th, 1865. Payable six months after date." With annotations and signatures on reverse. Check No. 16 for Benjamin Spurling as treasurer, dated April 29, to pay $25.20 to Hannah C. Ladd for "state aide furnished, payable Oct. 29, 1865." Check No. 17 for Benjamin Spurling dated July 8, 1865 to pay Miss Sarah Fernald $12.00 for teach school in District 4(?) for the year. Checks 18-45 with dates from April 29, 1865 to March 3, 1866, for A. C. Fernald to pay various individuals and signed by selectmen A.C. Fernald, Stillman Young, and/or John Gilley. Payees include Leonard Holmes, Sarah M. Hewing(?), William P. Preble, Joseph Bunker, William Moore, William P. Pung (Pauper, Constable), Benjamin Spurling, A. C. Fernald, John G. Bunker, Sarah D. Fernald, Stillman Young, Elisha Gilley, John Pung. Many for teacher and school expenses, and other town duties. One receipt August 5, 1865 Hancock ss. Ellsworth: received of Abraham C. Fernald $67.37 for payment of county tax - signed by William Pillsbury and Pung treasurers. Receipt from A. C. Fernald $806.38 for state tax collection. And one note on slip of paper: Will you ask Fernald if he would loan $500 or $600 for building a small cottage on the island this spring. If he will I will go at it right off and [illegible words] to file it this summer. I think it would be a great help to selling a plot or two. Yours hastily [??] Woodworth.
Documents. One handwritten note, and a collection of 33 checks authorizing Benjamin Spurling or A.C. Fernald as Town of Cranberry Isles Treasurers to pay various individuals various amounts during 1865-1866, and signed by certain Selectmen of Cranberry Isles. A .C. Fernald lived on GCI and/or MDI with business interests on Sutton Island including a brickyard, boatyard, and store; he eventually began manufacturing caskets (p. 81 Islands of the Mid-Maine coast Vol II. He was the grandfather of the donor's husband who lives in Somesville in 2015. Documents were discovered in 1998 in Check Nos.10-13 all dated April 4, 1865 - for amounts to be paid by Benjamin Spurling as Treasurer to William P. Preble, Esq., William H. Preble, and Thomas Bunker, Esq. "it being for men drafted March 20th, 1865. Payable six months after date." With annotations and signatures on reverse. Check No. 16 for Benjamin Spurling as treasurer, dated April 29, to pay $25.20 to Hannah C. Ladd for "state aide furnished, payable Oct. 29, 1865." Check No. 17 for Benjamin Spurling dated July 8, 1865 to pay Miss Sarah Fernald $12.00 for teach school in District 4(?) for the year. Checks 18-45 with dates from April 29, 1865 to March 3, 1866, for A. C. Fernald to pay various individuals and signed by selectmen A.C. Fernald, Stillman Young, and/or John Gilley. Payees include Leonard Holmes, Sarah M. Hewing(?), William P. Preble, Joseph Bunker, William Moore, William P. Pung (Pauper, Constable), Benjamin Spurling, A. C. Fernald, John G. Bunker, Sarah D. Fernald, Stillman Young, Elisha Gilley, John Pung. Many for teacher and school expenses, and other town duties. One receipt August 5, 1865 Hancock ss. Ellsworth: received of Abraham C. Fernald $67.37 for payment of county tax - signed by William Pillsbury and Pung treasurers. Receipt from A. C. Fernald $806.38 for state tax collection. And one note on slip of paper: Will you ask Fernald if he would loan $500 or $600 for building a small cottage on the island this spring. If he will I will go at it right off and [illegible words] to file it this summer. I think it would be a great help to selling a plot or two. Yours hastily [??] Woodworth. [show more]
2007.110.770Postcards to Bulger family
  • Document, Correspondence, Greeting Card
  • People
Christmas Postcards, six, sent to Bulger, the previous owner of the Harlan's house.
Christmas Postcards, six, sent to Bulger, the previous owner of the Harlan's house.
1000.7.106Wedding Invitation J. Holger Anderson & Lucille Stanley
  • Document, Request, Invitation
  • People
Wedding Invitation, J. Holger Anderson & Lucille Stanley, 15 Jan ????
Wedding Invitation, J. Holger Anderson & Lucille Stanley, 15 Jan ????
2003.71.615Appraisal of the Estate of Robert Spurling
  • Document, Financial, Financial Records
  • People
Document, 2 sheets, 1 side, glued together end-to-end, handwritten, "Copy of An Appraisal of the Estate of Robert Spurling late of Cranberry Isles", including dwelling house, barn, 2 fish houses, smoke house, shed, privy, 26 acres of land, livestock, boats, personal effects, furniture, etc. Unsigned and undated, but probably compiled by William P Preble
Document, 2 sheets, 1 side, glued together end-to-end, handwritten, "Copy of An Appraisal of the Estate of Robert Spurling late of Cranberry Isles", including dwelling house, barn, 2 fish houses, smoke house, shed, privy, 26 acres of land, livestock, boats, personal effects, furniture, etc. Unsigned and undated, but probably compiled by William P Preble
2000.233.575Printed DVD covers
  • Document, Other Documents
  • People
Folder containing spare reprints of image files that we have on file on CDs, DVDs, etc.elsewhere.
Folder containing spare reprints of image files that we have on file on CDs, DVDs, etc.elsewhere.
1000.29.93Indenture for servant George W. Colby 1861
  • Document, Legal, Indenture
  • People
Indenture papers, servant George W. Colby indentured to A.C. Fernald, 20 Mar 1861
Indenture papers, servant George W. Colby indentured to A.C. Fernald, 20 Mar 1861
1000.46.270Memorial card for infant Cora E. Stanley (sister of Carrie M. Richardson) 1892
  • Object, Mourning Card
  • People
Card, memorial, for Cora E. Stanley (sister of Carrie M. Richardson) d. 4 Nov 1892 age 7 mo. 15 dy.
Card, memorial, for Cora E. Stanley (sister of Carrie M. Richardson) d. 4 Nov 1892 age 7 mo. 15 dy.
1000.0.26Envelope accompanying Lewis Stanley License to Navigate
  • Document, Permission, License
  • People
  • Vessels, Ship
Envelope, accompanying Special License to Navigate (items 1000.0.19 and 1000.0.25 for license and letter)
Envelope, accompanying Special License to Navigate (items 1000.0.19 and 1000.0.25 for license and letter)