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2022.606.3098"Favorite Island Recipes"
  • Publication, Book
  • Organizations, Civic
a recipe book put together by the ladies aid society. it features recipes donated by the people of Cranberry Island. The artwork pictured on the front was drawn by Carl Nelson.
a recipe book put together by the ladies aid society. it features recipes donated by the people of Cranberry Island. The artwork pictured on the front was drawn by Carl Nelson.
2022.605.3097Favorite Island Recipes!
  • Publication, Book
  • Organizations, Civic
A recipe book from the Ladies Aid Society. The artwork displayed on the front was drawn by Wini Smart. The recipes were donated by islanders of Cranberry Island, and they range from Doughnuts to Crab Dip.
A recipe book from the Ladies Aid Society. The artwork displayed on the front was drawn by Wini Smart. The recipes were donated by islanders of Cranberry Island, and they range from Doughnuts to Crab Dip.
2022.604.3096School Math Book.
  • Publication, Book
  • Organizations, School Institution
A math booklet for the students on Cranberry Island. This booklet likely belong to the teacher, because it has all the students names in the back of the book. The names in the back of the book are: Maurice A. Stanley, Ella B. Stanley, Alice M. Bulger, Nellie M. Rosebrook, Velma M. Stanley, Ethel M. Stanley, Ruth F. Stanley, Beatrice E. Bunker, Vincie M. Bunker, Esther M.Stanley, Lulu M. Steel, Lillian A. Bracy, Walter F. Juy, Clarence H. Crosby, Clarence F Juy, Ernest G. Stanley, Harold L. Stanley, Everett K. Wedge, Ralph Bulger, Walker R. Stanley and Merrill E. Stanley. The book was published before many of these children listed where born, meaning that they were using an older edition of the book.
A math booklet for the students on Cranberry Island. This booklet likely belong to the teacher, because it has all the students names in the back of the book. The names in the back of the book are: Maurice A. Stanley, Ella B. Stanley, Alice M. Bulger, Nellie M. Rosebrook, Velma M. Stanley, Ethel M. Stanley, Ruth F. Stanley, Beatrice E. Bunker, Vincie M. Bunker, Esther M.Stanley, Lulu M. Steel, Lillian A. Bracy, Walter F. Juy, Clarence H. Crosby, Clarence F Juy, Ernest G. Stanley, Harold L. Stanley, Everett K. Wedge, Ralph Bulger, Walker R. Stanley and Merrill E. Stanley. The book was published before many of these children listed where born, meaning that they were using an older edition of the book. [show more]
2014.520.3012College of Pharmacy Student Handbook of New York 1905-1906
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Organizations, School Institution
A college of Pharmacy student handbook with a day planner in the back. The book has the initials W.H. Marr written, which is Wade Marr who would make a profession as a druggist. This student handbook includes a day planner, points of interests, and sports clubs.
A college of Pharmacy student handbook with a day planner in the back. The book has the initials W.H. Marr written, which is Wade Marr who would make a profession as a druggist. This student handbook includes a day planner, points of interests, and sports clubs.
2001.111.958Uncle Edgar's Lobster Boat" By Deig Marie
  • Publication, Book
  • Vessels, Boat, Lobster Boat
Copy of "Uncle Edgar's Lobster Boat" By Deig Marie. Presented to the Islesford Library in the Summer of 2001
Copy of "Uncle Edgar's Lobster Boat" By Deig Marie. Presented to the Islesford Library in the Summer of 2001
2017.389.2164Nautical Almanac 1876 for schooner Carrie M. Richardson
  • Publication, Book
  • Places
  • Vessels, Ship, Sailing Ship, Schooner
Journal. Nautical Almanac 1876 containing tables of sun's declination and equation of time and tide by D. Eggert's sons, 23 pages, annotated by Carrie M. Richardson aboard the schooner Carrie M. Richardson. Recording the sun sightings for navigating voyages using dead reckoning; transatlantic journeys are plotted on nautical chart 1 and possibly others of 2015.315.2076. .) From the Lewis Stanley descendants collection. (See also 2015.316.2077 and 2017.388.2163 Initial review of the annotated Nautical Almanac of 1876 indicates that it records the Carrie M. Richardson's journey east from New York starting June 23, 1876; arriving Seville July 22, and departing Seville August 3. She arrived at Cadiz August 5 and left for Boston August 12. A wonderful addition as Nautical Chart 1 (2017.315.2076) only plots the west to east legs of two 1877 and 1878 Spain-to-Cranberry Isles voyages. Decipher the chronometer dead reckoning entries in this Almanac should enableus to plot the route she sailed to reach Spain. (Scanned July 2017)
Journal. Nautical Almanac 1876 containing tables of sun's declination and equation of time and tide by D. Eggert's sons, 23 pages, annotated by Carrie M. Richardson aboard the schooner Carrie M. Richardson. Recording the sun sightings for navigating voyages using dead reckoning; transatlantic journeys are plotted on nautical chart 1 and possibly others of 2015.315.2076. .) From the Lewis Stanley descendants collection. (See also 2015.316.2077 and 2017.388.2163 Initial review of the annotated Nautical Almanac of 1876 indicates that it records the Carrie M. Richardson's journey east from New York starting June 23, 1876; arriving Seville July 22, and departing Seville August 3. She arrived at Cadiz August 5 and left for Boston August 12. A wonderful addition as Nautical Chart 1 (2017.315.2076) only plots the west to east legs of two 1877 and 1878 Spain-to-Cranberry Isles voyages. Decipher the chronometer dead reckoning entries in this Almanac should enableus to plot the route she sailed to reach Spain. (Scanned July 2017) [show more]
  • Publication, Book
  • Organizations, Religious
Book, Hymnal
Book, Hymnal
2013.214.1913Family Record book of Beatrice E. Bunker and Enoch A. Stanley
  • Publication, Book
Book, hardcover, "Family Record" (designed by Sarah B. Hamor, L.L. Marshall Co printers Portland, Maine, (c) Sarah Belle Hamor 1933); this genealogical book has printed pages with blank spaces to fill in a single couple and their predecessors and decendants for several generations. This book is the family record of Beatrice E. Bunker and Enoch A. Stanley, Cranberry Isles Maine. Entries recorded include: Bunker, Stanley, Hamor, Bracy, Steel, Phippen, Birlem, Bulger, Hardy, Inig, Leach, Bickford, Peterson, Turner, Guist. (See 2010.126.1016 and 1017)
Book, hardcover, "Family Record" (designed by Sarah B. Hamor, L.L. Marshall Co printers Portland, Maine, (c) Sarah Belle Hamor 1933); this genealogical book has printed pages with blank spaces to fill in a single couple and their predecessors and decendants for several generations. This book is the family record of Beatrice E. Bunker and Enoch A. Stanley, Cranberry Isles Maine. Entries recorded include: Bunker, Stanley, Hamor, Bracy, Steel, Phippen, Birlem, Bulger, Hardy, Inig, Leach, Bickford, Peterson, Turner, Guist. (See 2010.126.1016 and 1017) [show more]
2013.214.1922Gospel Hymns No.5 (1890)
  • Publication, Book
Book, Hymnal "Gospel Hymns No.5" by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan, and Geo. C. Stebbins, published by The Biglow & Main Co. and The John Church Co., copyright 1887, 1890
Book, Hymnal "Gospel Hymns No.5" by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan, and Geo. C. Stebbins, published by The Biglow & Main Co. and The John Church Co., copyright 1887, 1890
2012.200.1589Document "Wood House" Spurling/Bunker History
  • Publication, Book
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Document, from Phil & Karin Whitney to Winnie Smart dated 4/25/2010. Subject: "Wood House History". Item 1589a is the 2nd page of this document. The house was built in 1844 on land which had been in the Spurling/Bunker family since the island was first settled in 1762. Joseph Stanley Spurling married Matilda Young in 1844. I believe they were the builders of the house and the first occupants of it. His son, Joseph William Spurling, married Julia Bunker in 1870. They were the next occupants of the house. They had five children, Warren Adelbert "Bert" (1871-1965), Arthur Milton "Chummy" (1873-1975), Alta Irva (1877-1969), Ernest Wilbur (1880-1935), Joseph Elwood (1882-1960), Joseph William Spurling died suddenly in 1887. Julia Bunker Spurling's mother, Sidney C. Hamor, came to live with her. Sidney died in 1918 (She stood up suddenly, said "now ain't that queer?" and fell down dead. Julia died in 1919. Phil Whitney states, "my grandfather , Joseph "Elwood" Spurling, became the executor of the property and sold it out of the family in the early 1920's. Between 1844 and 1919, the property was essentially a farm. Prior to 1900, the main road curved and ran in front of what is now David Bunker's house and the Wood House before curving back to its present day (2010) path. (One can still find traces of this road near the intersection of Dog Point Road. There was a large barn between the Wood house and the Heath, which housed horses, oxen and cows. The farm well is still visible near there. When the road was straightened (date unknown) the house, barn and well were separated by the road. Phil Whitney states, "the barn was used by my grandfather between 1920-1960." All the land on the opposite side of the road, including the barn, remained in the family, primarily to store and repair lobster traps. After Joseph "Elwood" Spurling's death in 1960, it became derelict and was intentionally burned down in the early 1970's. Julia Bunker Spurling, also known as "Nanny", ran a small store in one room of the house during the late 19th-early 20th century to help make ends meet after her husband's death. The room has an alcove and faces David Bunker's house. At one time (date unknown), there was an extra wing on the house, where the garage is now, which was constructed at a right angle to the main house and led towards David Bunker's house. The house was always referred to as "Nanny's House" when I (Phil Whitnery) was growing up. (Much information in these paragraphs was related to me (Phil Whitney) by my grandmother, Ella Bates Spurling, and my mother, Dorothy Spurling Whitney). Phil Whitney believes the purchaser of the house in the 1920's was Blanche Atkinson. She owned it until the early 1950's. It wasn't used much and as I (Phil Whitney) understand it , the house became rather rundown. Louise Strandberg's family (Saltonstall/Lobkowicz) owned it in the 1950's-early 1960's using it primarily in the summer months. It was then sold to Burton Jones and his wife. He was the Arts Editor for the Boston Globe in the mid-1960's. They owned it until approximately 1978. (Note; the dates are not exact). Robert and Sarah Bloom then purchased the property from the Joneses. Bob Bloom built the existing garage on the end of the main building during the early 1980's. Bloom died in the late 1980's or early 1990's. Sarah (Salley) Bloom held onto the house until 2007, before selling it to Cameron and Nancy Wood of Virginia, the current owners (2010). Sally lived year-round one year in the house around 2002, before moving away permanently and renting the house seasonally. Around 2004-2005, Sally was in the process of selling the house to a wealthy art dealer from Rhode Island. The individual spent part of one summer living in the house. There were several burglaries of artworks from summer cottages toward the end of the season. An island resident spotted him breaking into a residence. This individual was convicted of the thefts. The sale of the house was never finalized. This house is especially noteworthy, not only because of its age (1844) and beautiful location (outstanding views of the Pool andthe Mt. Desert mountains) but that many of the children born in the house went on to have interesting lives or produce many other well-known island offspring. Bert Spurling moved to Islesford in 1919 and during his long life founded the old Woodlawn Hotel. One son was Elmer Spurling who took over the dock business for many years. One daughter, Elva, married Harvard Beal who founded Beal Fish Wharf in Southwest Harbor which is still in operation today. Chummy Spurling also moved to Islesford and became locally famous for his craftmanship in building skiffs. (He dropped dead saying good-bye to his friends after the completion of his 102nd birthday party). Alta married Henry Bunker and around 1920 moved into the house across the street currently (2010) owned by Louise Strandberg. Her children included, Raymond Bunker (famous boatbuilder), Lyndon "Tud" Bunker (famous Cranberry Island icon) and Wilfred Bunker (co-founder of Beal & Bunker). Ernest Spurling committed suicide in 1935 (found in a vehicle on Cooksey Drive, Northeast Harbor). Elwood Spurling , lived in three separate houses during his lifetime on Great Cranberry, all with 200 feet of each other. At various times in his life, he was a farmer, lobsterman, operated herring weirs, summer charter boat captaing, was Road Commissioner for 30 years, owned and sold much land on Cranberry. Phil ends this email by saying, "Whew! That's probably too much information for this publication, but should be saved for our archives."
Document, from Phil & Karin Whitney to Winnie Smart dated 4/25/2010. Subject: "Wood House History". Item 1589a is the 2nd page of this document. The house was built in 1844 on land which had been in the Spurling/Bunker family since the island was first settled in 1762. Joseph Stanley Spurling married Matilda Young in 1844. I believe they were the builders of the house and the first occupants of it. His son, Joseph William Spurling, married Julia Bunker in 1870. They were the next occupants of the house. They had five children, Warren Adelbert "Bert" (1871-1965), Arthur Milton "Chummy" (1873-1975), Alta Irva (1877-1969), Ernest Wilbur (1880-1935), Joseph Elwood (1882-1960), Joseph William Spurling died suddenly in 1887. Julia Bunker Spurling's mother, Sidney C. Hamor, came to live with her. Sidney died in 1918 (She stood up suddenly, said "now ain't that queer?" and fell down dead. Julia died in 1919. Phil Whitney states, "my grandfather , Joseph "Elwood" Spurling, became the executor of the property and sold it out of the family in the early 1920's. Between 1844 and 1919, the property was essentially a farm. Prior to 1900, the main road curved and ran in front of what is now David Bunker's house and the Wood House before curving back to its present day (2010) path. (One can still find traces of this road near the intersection of Dog Point Road. There was a large barn between the Wood house and the Heath, which housed horses, oxen and cows. The farm well is still visible near there. When the road was straightened (date unknown) the house, barn and well were separated by the road. Phil Whitney states, "the barn was used by my grandfather between 1920-1960." All the land on the opposite side of the road, including the barn, remained in the family, primarily to store and repair lobster traps. After Joseph "Elwood" Spurling's death in 1960, it became derelict and was intentionally burned down in the early 1970's. Julia Bunker Spurling, also known as "Nanny", ran a small store in one room of the house during the late 19th-early 20th century to help make ends meet after her husband's death. The room has an alcove and faces David Bunker's house. At one time (date unknown), there was an extra wing on the house, where the garage is now, which was constructed at a right angle to the main house and led towards David Bunker's house. The house was always referred to as "Nanny's House" when I (Phil Whitnery) was growing up. (Much information in these paragraphs was related to me (Phil Whitney) by my grandmother, Ella Bates Spurling, and my mother, Dorothy Spurling Whitney). Phil Whitney believes the purchaser of the house in the 1920's was Blanche Atkinson. She owned it until the early 1950's. It wasn't used much and as I (Phil Whitney) understand it , the house became rather rundown. Louise Strandberg's family (Saltonstall/Lobkowicz) owned it in the 1950's-early 1960's using it primarily in the summer months. It was then sold to Burton Jones and his wife. He was the Arts Editor for the Boston Globe in the mid-1960's. They owned it until approximately 1978. (Note; the dates are not exact). Robert and Sarah Bloom then purchased the property from the Joneses. Bob Bloom built the existing garage on the end of the main building during the early 1980's. Bloom died in the late 1980's or early 1990's. Sarah (Salley) Bloom held onto the house until 2007, before selling it to Cameron and Nancy Wood of Virginia, the current owners (2010). Sally lived year-round one year in the house around 2002, before moving away permanently and renting the house seasonally. Around 2004-2005, Sally was in the process of selling the house to a wealthy art dealer from Rhode Island. The individual spent part of one summer living in the house. There were several burglaries of artworks from summer cottages toward the end of the season. An island resident spotted him breaking into a residence. This individual was convicted of the thefts. The sale of the house was never finalized. This house is especially noteworthy, not only because of its age (1844) and beautiful location (outstanding views of the Pool andthe Mt. Desert mountains) but that many of the children born in the house went on to have interesting lives or produce many other well-known island offspring. Bert Spurling moved to Islesford in 1919 and during his long life founded the old Woodlawn Hotel. One son was Elmer Spurling who took over the dock business for many years. One daughter, Elva, married Harvard Beal who founded Beal Fish Wharf in Southwest Harbor which is still in operation today. Chummy Spurling also moved to Islesford and became locally famous for his craftmanship in building skiffs. (He dropped dead saying good-bye to his friends after the completion of his 102nd birthday party). Alta married Henry Bunker and around 1920 moved into the house across the street currently (2010) owned by Louise Strandberg. Her children included, Raymond Bunker (famous boatbuilder), Lyndon "Tud" Bunker (famous Cranberry Island icon) and Wilfred Bunker (co-founder of Beal & Bunker). Ernest Spurling committed suicide in 1935 (found in a vehicle on Cooksey Drive, Northeast Harbor). Elwood Spurling , lived in three separate houses during his lifetime on Great Cranberry, all with 200 feet of each other. At various times in his life, he was a farmer, lobsterman, operated herring weirs, summer charter boat captaing, was Road Commissioner for 30 years, owned and sold much land on Cranberry. Phil ends this email by saying, "Whew! That's probably too much information for this publication, but should be saved for our archives." [show more]
2011.158.1382The Old Oaken Bucket - book 1881
  • Publication, Book
Book, "The Old Oaken Bucket", poem by Samuel Woodworth (1785-1842), drawings by Miss L.B. Humphrey, engraved by W.B. Closson, printed by D. Lothrop & Co., Boston, 1881. First edition. The name Velma M. Stanley inscribed on the first page.
Book, "The Old Oaken Bucket", poem by Samuel Woodworth (1785-1842), drawings by Miss L.B. Humphrey, engraved by W.B. Closson, printed by D. Lothrop & Co., Boston, 1881. First edition. The name Velma M. Stanley inscribed on the first page.
1000.0.1280Holy Bible (N.Y. Bible Society ,1896)
  • Publication, Book
Book, Holy Bible (N.Y. Bible Society ,1896)
Book, Holy Bible (N.Y. Bible Society ,1896)
1000.0.1187Palmer's Book of Gems, Sunday School Hymns
  • Publication, Book
Book, Palmer's Book of Gems, Sunday School Hymns
Book, Palmer's Book of Gems, Sunday School Hymns
1000.27.1068Come Christmas by Farjeon; illustrated by Rachel Field
  • Publication, Book
Book "Come Christmas" by Eleanor Farjeon and illustrated by Rachel Field. (See also 2014.268.2004 Field Collection)
Book "Come Christmas" by Eleanor Farjeon and illustrated by Rachel Field. (See also 2014.268.2004 Field Collection)
1000.0.1069Upton Fuller Arithmetic Grade 8
  • Publication, Book
Books, Copy A - Book "Upton Fuller Arithmetic Grade 8" Book from Cranberry Grammar school, was loaned to David Bunker, Eileen Colby, and Larry Allen during the school years. Copy B - Desk copy of the "Upton Fuller Arithmetic Grade 8" book.
Books, Copy A - Book "Upton Fuller Arithmetic Grade 8" Book from Cranberry Grammar school, was loaned to David Bunker, Eileen Colby, and Larry Allen during the school years. Copy B - Desk copy of the "Upton Fuller Arithmetic Grade 8" book.
1000.0.1035Collection of music books
  • Publication, Book
Books. Collection of music books (A-C) used for a previous display in the Museum
Books. Collection of music books (A-C) used for a previous display in the Museum
2004.94.746Bible of Mrs. Harold Stanley
  • Publication, Book
Bible, soft cover with leather binding, color photographs, with inscription "Mrs. Harold Stanley, Cranberry Island Me," distributed by Bible Society of Maine
Bible, soft cover with leather binding, color photographs, with inscription "Mrs. Harold Stanley, Cranberry Island Me," distributed by Bible Society of Maine
2003.87.651"Get Tough!" by Captain W.E. Fairbairn 1942
  • Publication, Book
Book, clothbound, "Get Tough!" by Captain W.E. Fairbairn, published by D. Appleton-Century Co, NY 1942. Illustrated with insturctions on hand to hand combat
Book, clothbound, "Get Tough!" by Captain W.E. Fairbairn, published by D. Appleton-Century Co, NY 1942. Illustrated with insturctions on hand to hand combat
2002.78.567Hooked rug stencils and patterns
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Textiles
Document, 3 laminated pages, copied from a book, "Introduction, by Robert G. Wheeler, Vice President", being a history of Edward Sands Frost, creator of the Frost hooked rug stencils and patterns, in 1868, with photo of Edward Sands Frost and Mrs. Charlotte K. Stratton (pg 4 & pg 5 from book) plus Pattern numbers 53, 126, and 101, all depicting horses (pg 14 from book).
Document, 3 laminated pages, copied from a book, "Introduction, by Robert G. Wheeler, Vice President", being a history of Edward Sands Frost, creator of the Frost hooked rug stencils and patterns, in 1868, with photo of Edward Sands Frost and Mrs. Charlotte K. Stratton (pg 4 & pg 5 from book) plus Pattern numbers 53, 126, and 101, all depicting horses (pg 14 from book).
2003.68.512"Maine Remembers Those Who Served", published 2001
  • Publication, Book
Book, paperback, "Maine Remembers Those Who Served", published 2001, listing tributes to Maine servicemen in various wars
Book, paperback, "Maine Remembers Those Who Served", published 2001, listing tributes to Maine servicemen in various wars
1000.23.55Copies of Map of Cranberry Isles
  • Publication, Book
  • Places
Map, (3 copies), Cranberry Isles, Colby's Atlas, 1881
Map, (3 copies), Cranberry Isles, Colby's Atlas, 1881
1000.0.73Mrs. Winslow's Domestic Receipt Book for 1863
  • Publication, Book
Book, "Mrs. Winslow's Domestic Receipt Book for 1863" (containing homely advice and cooking recipes)
Book, "Mrs. Winslow's Domestic Receipt Book for 1863" (containing homely advice and cooking recipes)
1000.7.11A Souvenir of Bar Harbor and Mount Desert Island published by W.H. Sherman, Printer and Stationer
  • Publication, Book
  • Places, Town
Booklet, "A Souvenir of Bar Harbor and Mount Desert Island" published by W.H. Sherman, Printer and Stationer, Bar Harbor, ca. 1903-1905, with 66 b&w photos, and several ads
Booklet, "A Souvenir of Bar Harbor and Mount Desert Island" published by W.H. Sherman, Printer and Stationer, Bar Harbor, ca. 1903-1905, with 66 b&w photos, and several ads
1000.18.35Music books from Alice Stanley
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Music
Sheet Music Books, 7 pieces, originally belonging to Alice M. Stanley, found in Ruth Westphal's house
Sheet Music Books, 7 pieces, originally belonging to Alice M. Stanley, found in Ruth Westphal's house