251 - 275 of 372 results
You searched for: Type: Publication
Catalogue # Title Type Subject Description
2010.120.980Three photocopied articles which mention Cranberry Isles
  • Publication, Clipping
Newspaper articles. Three photocopied articles which mention Cranberry Isles, Benjamin Spurling, Samuel Spurling and a payment receipt from William Preble.
Newspaper articles. Three photocopied articles which mention Cranberry Isles, Benjamin Spurling, Samuel Spurling and a payment receipt from William Preble.
1000.27.989St. Nicholas Magazine, Rachel Field article 1924
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
Magazine. First edition of a St. Nicholas Magazine, published in 1924. Poem written by Rachel Field located on page 969
Magazine. First edition of a St. Nicholas Magazine, published in 1924. Poem written by Rachel Field located on page 969
1000.27.998Rachel Field article in 1942 American Magazine
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
Magazine. March 1942 American Magazine. Article by Rachel Field on page 26 titled "Beginning of Wisdom" Illustration by Norman Rockwell.
Magazine. March 1942 American Magazine. Article by Rachel Field on page 26 titled "Beginning of Wisdom" Illustration by Norman Rockwell.
1000.27.999Story by Rachel Field in 1941 American Magazine
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
Magazine. January 1941 American Magazine. Story by Rachel Field on page 16 and continues on pages 96-98. Illustrations by Norman Rockwell
Magazine. January 1941 American Magazine. Story by Rachel Field on page 16 and continues on pages 96-98. Illustrations by Norman Rockwell
2005.119.1004"Maine Life" article about Ladies Aid and Cranberry Quilters
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
  • Other, Textiles
Magazine "Maine Life" with article about the Ladies Aid and the Cranberry Quilters Gaile Colby, Beverly Sanborn, and Ruth Westphal are featured
Magazine "Maine Life" with article about the Ladies Aid and the Cranberry Quilters Gaile Colby, Beverly Sanborn, and Ruth Westphal are featured
1000.27.1006"Childlife" March 1931. Poem by Rachel Field
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
Magazine "Childlife" March 1931. Poem by Rachel Field and illustration by Dorothy Lathrop on page 111
Magazine "Childlife" March 1931. Poem by Rachel Field and illustration by Dorothy Lathrop on page 111
1000.27.1008Rachel Field poem, Childlife Magazine 1934
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
Magazine "Childlife" October 1934. Rachel Field poem on page 437. Illustration by Dorothy Lathrop.
Magazine "Childlife" October 1934. Rachel Field poem on page 437. Illustration by Dorothy Lathrop.
1000.27.1010Poem "Snow by Night" by Rachel Field
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
Magazine "Child Life" November 1934. Poem "Snow by Night" by Rachel Field, illustrated by Dorothy Lathrop, located on page 485
Magazine "Child Life" November 1934. Poem "Snow by Night" by Rachel Field, illustrated by Dorothy Lathrop, located on page 485
1000.27.1011The Bookcase Apartments article by Rachel Field
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
  • Other, Literature
Magazine "Child Life" September 1935. Article "The Bookcase Apartments" by Rachel Field on page 410.
Magazine "Child Life" September 1935. Article "The Bookcase Apartments" by Rachel Field on page 410.
1000.27.1012Down East Magazine 1971 Rachel Field and the Cranberry Isles
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
Magazine article from "Down East" Magazine August 1971. Rachel Field and the Cranberry Isles on pages 70-73. Photographs of Great Cranberry, Sutton, Rachel Field and Arthur Pederson are included. (See 1000.0.1381.)
Magazine article from "Down East" Magazine August 1971. Rachel Field and the Cranberry Isles on pages 70-73. Photographs of Great Cranberry, Sutton, Rachel Field and Arthur Pederson are included. (See 1000.0.1381.)
1000.27.1013Child Life article 1936. with illustration by Dorothy Lathrop
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
Magazine "Child Life" August 1936. Large illustration by Dorothy Lathrop (the original illustrator of Hitty's First One Hundred Years) on the first page.
Magazine "Child Life" August 1936. Large illustration by Dorothy Lathrop (the original illustrator of Hitty's First One Hundred Years) on the first page.
1000.0.939April 2002 newsletter Great Cranberry Community Center
  • Publication, Newsletter
April 2002 newsletter from the Great Cranberry Community Center
April 2002 newsletter from the Great Cranberry Community Center
1000.34.947Article from Bowditch Journal re: GCI whale 1919
  • Publication, Clipping
Article from the 8/15/1919 Vincent Bowditch Journals describing the Great Cranberry whale.
Article from the 8/15/1919 Vincent Bowditch Journals describing the Great Cranberry whale.
1000.0.948Articles describing the 1916 Firebug
  • Publication, Clipping
  • Events, Fire
Two copies of articles describing the 1916 Firebug on the Cranberry Isles with a summary provided by Bruce Komusin
Two copies of articles describing the 1916 Firebug on the Cranberry Isles with a summary provided by Bruce Komusin
1000.0.951Stanley's horses
  • Publication, Clipping
Newspaper article. Anecdotal article called "Horse Ate at Table with Family" describing the Stanley's horse's mannerisms and fondness for hot biscuits.
Newspaper article. Anecdotal article called "Horse Ate at Table with Family" describing the Stanley's horse's mannerisms and fondness for hot biscuits.
2005.119.961Magazine, "America", in Russian, from 1971. Article re: GCI
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
Magazine, "America", in Russian, from 1971. Article with photos concerning Cranberry Island on pages 6 and 7
Magazine, "America", in Russian, from 1971. Article with photos concerning Cranberry Island on pages 6 and 7
1000.0.962Great Cranbery Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping
962 A-E, Newspaper articles pertaining to GCIHS
962 A-E, Newspaper articles pertaining to GCIHS
1000.0.964Longfellow school and Post Office
  • Publication, Clipping
964 A-C Newspaper articles. Article 964 A concerning the closing of Longfellow School in 2000 highlighting Deborah Wedge, Keith Wedge, and Heath Wedge (June 12, 2000). Article 964 B closing the GCI Post Office, article highlights Joy and Jasmine Samuel (Islesford residents) and Leigh Liebow (September 12,1985). Article 964C: the building of the Longfellow School playground, pictures of Mike Westphal, Ada Rice, and Jennifer Westphal (September 5, 1985).
964 A-C Newspaper articles. Article 964 A concerning the closing of Longfellow School in 2000 highlighting Deborah Wedge, Keith Wedge, and Heath Wedge (June 12, 2000). Article 964 B closing the GCI Post Office, article highlights Joy and Jasmine Samuel (Islesford residents) and Leigh Liebow (September 12,1985). Article 964C: the building of the Longfellow School playground, pictures of Mike Westphal, Ada Rice, and Jennifer Westphal (September 5, 1985). [show more]
1000.0.965Arts and trades on Great Cranberry
  • Publication, Clipping
Newspaper articles. 965 A-D Newspaper articles articles pertaining to arts and trades found on Great Cranberry, articles highlight Mike Westphal and Janet Roberts as table makers and table top artists (965-A) September 1, 1994. Wini Smart as an artist (965-B) August 3, 2000; Smart and daughter Gail Cleveland (965-C) July 13, 2000; Polly Storey as a seed collector (965-D) (October year unknown). (Note: Storey's collection of seeds still to be catalogued.)
Newspaper articles. 965 A-D Newspaper articles articles pertaining to arts and trades found on Great Cranberry, articles highlight Mike Westphal and Janet Roberts as table makers and table top artists (965-A) September 1, 1994. Wini Smart as an artist (965-B) August 3, 2000; Smart and daughter Gail Cleveland (965-C) July 13, 2000; Polly Storey as a seed collector (965-D) (October year unknown). (Note: Storey's collection of seeds still to be catalogued.) [show more]
1000.0.923First Great Cranberry Ultra Marathon2007
  • Publication, Newsletter
Newsletter sent out by Gary Allen pertaining to the first Great Cranberry Ultra Marathon held on July 28, 2007 the letter details how islanders can help and calls for volunteers and donations.
Newsletter sent out by Gary Allen pertaining to the first Great Cranberry Ultra Marathon held on July 28, 2007 the letter details how islanders can help and calls for volunteers and donations.
1000.0.924Newsletter from Board of Selectman re: internet 2007
  • Publication, Newsletter
Newsletter from Board of Selectman Daniel Lief announcing the first high speed internet to be available on the Cranberries to be available the summer of 2007
Newsletter from Board of Selectman Daniel Lief announcing the first high speed internet to be available on the Cranberries to be available the summer of 2007
1000.0.906Collection of Rachel Field Hitty Preble materials
  • Publication, Clipping
  • Other, Literature
Collection of 3 misc. articles pertaining to Rachel Field and Hitty Preble. 2 copies of an article copied from Down East Maine Magazine detailing Rachel Field's life and her connection to Cranberry Isles. 1 copy of "The Friends of Hitty" Newsletter edited by Virginia Hyardal containing a compilation of Rachel Field's works. 1 News release from the Cranberry House detailing plans to create and continue a Rachel Field and Hitty exhibit within the museum.
Collection of 3 misc. articles pertaining to Rachel Field and Hitty Preble. 2 copies of an article copied from Down East Maine Magazine detailing Rachel Field's life and her connection to Cranberry Isles. 1 copy of "The Friends of Hitty" Newsletter edited by Virginia Hyardal containing a compilation of Rachel Field's works. 1 News release from the Cranberry House detailing plans to create and continue a Rachel Field and Hitty exhibit within the museum. [show more]
1000.0.896Longfellow School hangs by a thread 1997-1998
  • Publication, Clipping
Newspaper article, "Longfellow School hangs by a thread", mentioning only two pupils projected for the school year 1997-1998. Transcribed.
Newspaper article, "Longfellow School hangs by a thread", mentioning only two pupils projected for the school year 1997-1998. Transcribed.
1000.116.898Constitution and By-Laws, Merrymeeting Lodge No. 134, Independant Order of Geed Templars, Bowdoinham, Me.1868
  • Publication, Booklet
  • Organizations, Civic
Booklet, "Constitution and By-Laws, Merrymeeting Lodge No. 134, Independant Order of Geed Templars, Bowdoinham, Me." 1868, Article II is the "Pledge: No member shall make, buy, sell or use, as a beverage, any spiritous or malt liquors, wine or cider, and members shall discountenance the manufacture and sale thereof in all proper ways."
Booklet, "Constitution and By-Laws, Merrymeeting Lodge No. 134, Independant Order of Geed Templars, Bowdoinham, Me." 1868, Article II is the "Pledge: No member shall make, buy, sell or use, as a beverage, any spiritous or malt liquors, wine or cider, and members shall discountenance the manufacture and sale thereof in all proper ways."
1000.117.899Newspapers, ca. 1905 from the walls of Blue Buckets home
  • Publication, Newspaper
Newspapers, ca. 1905, stained and in poor condition, with a note "Historical Society - Old newspapers from the walls of the Blue Buckets home! - Janice" Blue Buckets being Janice's house at the end of Dog Point Road, previously occupied by Al and Bobbie Gray.
Newspapers, ca. 1905, stained and in poor condition, with a note "Historical Society - Old newspapers from the walls of the Blue Buckets home! - Janice" Blue Buckets being Janice's house at the end of Dog Point Road, previously occupied by Al and Bobbie Gray.