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1000.53.838Ferry Sea Queen, Bar Harbor Times 1994
  • Image, Photograph
  • Vessels, Boat
  • Vessels, Merchant Vessel, Ferry
Newspaper photo: Beal & Bunker ferry Sea Queen pulling out of Northeast Harbor to the Cranberry Isles; Bar Harbor Times, 1 Sep 1994
Newspaper photo: Beal & Bunker ferry Sea Queen pulling out of Northeast Harbor to the Cranberry Isles; Bar Harbor Times, 1 Sep 1994
2013.214.1856Boat name plate: ADELAIDE
  • Object, Sign
  • Vessels, Boat
Boat equipment, wooden name plate, white, made in a sort of mushroom shape, with slightly raised black letters "ADELAIDE"
Boat equipment, wooden name plate, white, made in a sort of mushroom shape, with slightly raised black letters "ADELAIDE"
2016.366.2129Rowboat or skiff by Chummy Spurling
  • Object, Vessels, Boat, Skiff
  • Vessels, Boat
Boat. Rowboat or skiff made ca. 1890. White with red trim. (The boat is on the right in this 2016 photo showing two rowboats. The other images are from June 2010 after GCIHS was given the boat and before it was repainted.) Per Willie Granston (GHMM): "used to have a name on the stern (Cat's Miow) and was given to the Historical Society by a Northeast Harbor family who had it in the basement of their cottage (the Brzezinski family)... I had it in an exhibit in Northeast Harbor (The Power of the Oar - Summer 2010), and it looked really really nice. We spent a lot of time cleaning it and washing it... It is almost undoubtedly a Chummy Spurling skiff as I lined it up with a known Spurling and measured the two side by side and all the dimensions matched, down to the size, number, and spacing of the ribs.." (See link below to album showing the rowboat when it was displayed in NEH Maritime Museum.)
Boat. Rowboat or skiff made ca. 1890. White with red trim. (The boat is on the right in this 2016 photo showing two rowboats. The other images are from June 2010 after GCIHS was given the boat and before it was repainted.) Per Willie Granston (GHMM): "used to have a name on the stern (Cat's Miow) and was given to the Historical Society by a Northeast Harbor family who had it in the basement of their cottage (the Brzezinski family)... I had it in an exhibit in Northeast Harbor (The Power of the Oar - Summer 2010), and it looked really really nice. We spent a lot of time cleaning it and washing it... It is almost undoubtedly a Chummy Spurling skiff as I lined it up with a known Spurling and measured the two side by side and all the dimensions matched, down to the size, number, and spacing of the ribs.." (See link below to album showing the rowboat when it was displayed in NEH Maritime Museum.) [show more]
2016.365.2128Rowboat or skiff by Dudley Bracy
  • Object, Vessels, Boat, Skiff
  • Vessels, Boat
Boat. Rowboat or skiff, made by Dud (Dudley) Bracy (Junior Bracy's grandfather) perhaps ca. 1890. White with red trim . Rowboat sat on the shore by Nancy Lea's boathouse near Newman & Gray boatyard for years. Kevin Russell gave the rowboat to donor after Russell became the owner of the Lea boathouse. Boathouse was then passed on to Brezinis and has since changed hands again. The boat was repainted at some point . (Willie Granston (GHMM) may have photos of boat when it was on the shore.)
Boat. Rowboat or skiff, made by Dud (Dudley) Bracy (Junior Bracy's grandfather) perhaps ca. 1890. White with red trim . Rowboat sat on the shore by Nancy Lea's boathouse near Newman & Gray boatyard for years. Kevin Russell gave the rowboat to donor after Russell became the owner of the Lea boathouse. Boathouse was then passed on to Brezinis and has since changed hands again. The boat was repainted at some point . (Willie Granston (GHMM) may have photos of boat when it was on the shore.) [show more]
2001.39.184Receipt from Samuel S. Newman for 1/16 share in Schooner Carrie M. Richardson to Capt. E.B. (Enoch) Stanley 1874
  • Document, Financial, Receipt
  • Vessels, Ship, Sailing Ship, Schooner
Receipt from builder Samuel S. Newman, for a 1/16 share in the Schooner Carrie M. Richardson, to Capt. E.B. (Enoch) Stanley, for $945.66 and 3/8 cents, Dec 17th, 1874. This half-page, handwritten ledger entry was found in Bob LaHotan's barn when he cleaned it 2001. Barn was on the property Enoch B. Stanley owned in the 19th century. Transcribed: "Rec from Capt E B Stanley 945.66 3/8 Nine Hundred forty-five 66/100 Dollars in full for 1/16 of Schr Carrie M Richardson. [Illegible: For? Fox?] Bills not included. Tremont- Dec 17th/74 [1874]. Samuel S. Newman. Paid up to Dec 950:00/945.66, amt of 1/16 over paid 4:34. 10,00-8,68= 1:32"
Receipt from builder Samuel S. Newman, for a 1/16 share in the Schooner Carrie M. Richardson, to Capt. E.B. (Enoch) Stanley, for $945.66 and 3/8 cents, Dec 17th, 1874. This half-page, handwritten ledger entry was found in Bob LaHotan's barn when he cleaned it 2001. Barn was on the property Enoch B. Stanley owned in the 19th century. Transcribed: "Rec from Capt E B Stanley 945.66 3/8 Nine Hundred forty-five 66/100 Dollars in full for 1/16 of Schr Carrie M Richardson. [Illegible: For? Fox?] Bills not included. Tremont- Dec 17th/74 [1874]. Samuel S. Newman. Paid up to Dec 950:00/945.66, amt of 1/16 over paid 4:34. 10,00-8,68= 1:32" [show more]
2019.427.2819Magazine articles about Cranberry Isles
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
  • People
  • Places
  • Vessels, Ship, Sailing Ship, Schooner
Three articles from unknown magazine, unknown year: A= "The Bunkers of Cranberry Isle" by Gunnar Hansen with photos by David Westphal (see also 1000.0.1027). B="Salvaging Cargo from the Wreck of the Emily F. Northam" text and photos by Farnham W. Smith. C="Rachel Field of the Cranberry Isles" by Herbert Edwards
Three articles from unknown magazine, unknown year: A= "The Bunkers of Cranberry Isle" by Gunnar Hansen with photos by David Westphal (see also 1000.0.1027). B="Salvaging Cargo from the Wreck of the Emily F. Northam" text and photos by Farnham W. Smith. C="Rachel Field of the Cranberry Isles" by Herbert Edwards
2018.416.2824Photos from Macfarlan family album 1940s-1950s
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • Places
  • Vessels, Boat
Photos from Macfarlan family album 1940 and 1950s. A= Beal & Bunker dock with lobsters and gas tank. B= TBD dock (perhaps Preble Cove Hartley dock?) 1930s. C= Molesca (see also 2012.200.1584), Sunbeam III, Silas McClune (see also 2003.88.682), Elwood Spurling's boat on right of photo. D= Eva Grace sardine carrier. E= Macfarlan/Preble house. F= Beal & Bunker dock with lobsters; Town Dock 1940s. (And many other snapshots of people, places, boats unidentified and not scanned as of Dec 2019.)
Photos from Macfarlan family album 1940 and 1950s. A= Beal & Bunker dock with lobsters and gas tank. B= TBD dock (perhaps Preble Cove Hartley dock?) 1930s. C= Molesca (see also 2012.200.1584), Sunbeam III, Silas McClune (see also 2003.88.682), Elwood Spurling's boat on right of photo. D= Eva Grace sardine carrier. E= Macfarlan/Preble house. F= Beal & Bunker dock with lobsters; Town Dock 1940s. (And many other snapshots of people, places, boats unidentified and not scanned as of Dec 2019.) [show more]
2018.416.2823Macfarlan and Freeman family photos
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • Vessels, Boat
Four 6.5" x 4.5" black and white prints on grey album paper. A= Mickey Macfarlan, Bob Freeman, and boxer dog Wendy. B= Bob Freeman (Robin's father) with Grandmother Dorothy Macfarlan on the "Vega". C= Mickey Macfarlan with grandfather Douglas Macfarlan. D= Trudy Bancroft, Dody Freeman (Mickey's sister), Bill Bancroft, and Mickey Macfarlan with pistol on the rocks.
Four 6.5" x 4.5" black and white prints on grey album paper. A= Mickey Macfarlan, Bob Freeman, and boxer dog Wendy. B= Bob Freeman (Robin's father) with Grandmother Dorothy Macfarlan on the "Vega". C= Mickey Macfarlan with grandfather Douglas Macfarlan. D= Trudy Bancroft, Dody Freeman (Mickey's sister), Bill Bancroft, and Mickey Macfarlan with pistol on the rocks.
2015.323.2084Letter with details of voyage on the Schooner Willow
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • People
  • Vessels, Ship, Sailing Ship, Schooner
Scan of a two-page 1860 letter from Warren Bunker to his brother-in-law Daniel Hamor with details of Bunker's voyage on the Schooner Willow from 'home' to Baltimore, Savannah, Jacksonville, Nassau, mentioning his cargo of 'old sailors' and yellow pine, the money he has made and hopes to make, and plans for future voyages mentioning Mauricetown NJ and Machiasport possibilities. (See transcription of letter.) We believe 'old sailors' means experienced sailors or sailors who had hired out on another voyage and were trying to get home. Warren Bunker (born 1824, died 1870 at Cranberry Isles) was great-great-grandfather of Great Cranberry Island resident Phil Whitney. Daniel Hamor (born 1822, died 1894) is distantly connected to the donor's family. Background information from donor: Warren Bunker wrote the letter to his brother-in-law Daniel Hamor, Warren's wife's (Sidney Hamor Bunker's) brother, who was then living in Eden (now Bar Harbor), Maine. Daniel Hamor built a fairly large house that still stands (in 2015 painted yellow, with a barn in back), next to the Pot & Kettle Club entrance on what is now Route 3 between Salisbury Cove and Hulls Cove. When Daniel Hamor and his wife Polly died, in 1894, their house was left to their children, Ella, Edward and Mariah, none of whom ever married or had children as far as we know. Ella and Edward died (on the same night in 1928, probably of influenza), leaving the house to Mariah. When Mariah grew old, she invited her cousin Georgia Hamor to come and take care of her on condition that when she (Mariah) died, the house would become Georgia's. Mariah died in 1936. At that time Georgia Hamor inherited the Hamor home, and presumably the Warren Bunker letter. Georgia and her brother, Ansel, lived in the house until they died (Georgia in 1971 and Ansel in 1978). At some point, Georgia, who had inherited various Hamor mementos with the house, gave the letter to her niece, Alice Smith Cowles. She, in turn, gave the letter to me (Alan Cowles). "We almost lost the letter in the great fire of 1947. A note from the Boston Sunday Post, published in October 1947, stated that "Miss Georgia Hamor, a native spinster, and her brother, Ansel, were the last to leave their home in the Hulls Cove section before the inrush of the flames today, and left only because town officials insisted on the evacuation." Fortunately, the fire stopped about one mile from their home." See transcript.
Scan of a two-page 1860 letter from Warren Bunker to his brother-in-law Daniel Hamor with details of Bunker's voyage on the Schooner Willow from 'home' to Baltimore, Savannah, Jacksonville, Nassau, mentioning his cargo of 'old sailors' and yellow pine, the money he has made and hopes to make, and plans for future voyages mentioning Mauricetown NJ and Machiasport possibilities. (See transcription of letter.) We believe 'old sailors' means experienced sailors or sailors who had hired out on another voyage and were trying to get home. Warren Bunker (born 1824, died 1870 at Cranberry Isles) was great-great-grandfather of Great Cranberry Island resident Phil Whitney. Daniel Hamor (born 1822, died 1894) is distantly connected to the donor's family. Background information from donor: Warren Bunker wrote the letter to his brother-in-law Daniel Hamor, Warren's wife's (Sidney Hamor Bunker's) brother, who was then living in Eden (now Bar Harbor), Maine. Daniel Hamor built a fairly large house that still stands (in 2015 painted yellow, with a barn in back), next to the Pot & Kettle Club entrance on what is now Route 3 between Salisbury Cove and Hulls Cove. When Daniel Hamor and his wife Polly died, in 1894, their house was left to their children, Ella, Edward and Mariah, none of whom ever married or had children as far as we know. Ella and Edward died (on the same night in 1928, probably of influenza), leaving the house to Mariah. When Mariah grew old, she invited her cousin Georgia Hamor to come and take care of her on condition that when she (Mariah) died, the house would become Georgia's. Mariah died in 1936. At that time Georgia Hamor inherited the Hamor home, and presumably the Warren Bunker letter. Georgia and her brother, Ansel, lived in the house until they died (Georgia in 1971 and Ansel in 1978). At some point, Georgia, who had inherited various Hamor mementos with the house, gave the letter to her niece, Alice Smith Cowles. She, in turn, gave the letter to me (Alan Cowles). "We almost lost the letter in the great fire of 1947. A note from the Boston Sunday Post, published in October 1947, stated that "Miss Georgia Hamor, a native spinster, and her brother, Ansel, were the last to leave their home in the Hulls Cove section before the inrush of the flames today, and left only because town officials insisted on the evacuation." Fortunately, the fire stopped about one mile from their home." See transcript. [show more]
2019.445.2827Ledger sheets Capt. Charles E. Bunker, Schooner Como, 1879
  • Document, Other Documents, Multi-Part Documents
  • People
  • Vessels, Ship, Sailing Ship, Schooner
This group of five ledger sheets tally Charles E. Bunker’s debits and credits for voyage on Schooner “Como” with cargo "cocoanuts, mahogany, and cedars in account with Odio & Perozo of New York". Loose ledger pages are dated February 6-21, 1879. There are 34,505 cocoanuts; 4 logs mahogany; 4 logs cedar; and 8 logs cedar. No ports or destinations discernible. Documents are signed in New York. (Only Page A transcribed.) The Schooner Como was built in Cherryfield 1873; No.125172; 133 tons. Charles E Bunker was master 1877. These ledgers are part of collection of Clara Rice items (Clara Adeline Richardson Bunker Rice (1847-1923). (Charles Bunker was Clara's second husband of three. Clara Rice was postmistress on Sutton Island in the Cranberry Isles. She may have married a Fernald, then Charles Edward Bunker, and then wed Wilbert Augustus Rice in 1893. )
This group of five ledger sheets tally Charles E. Bunker’s debits and credits for voyage on Schooner “Como” with cargo "cocoanuts, mahogany, and cedars in account with Odio & Perozo of New York". Loose ledger pages are dated February 6-21, 1879. There are 34,505 cocoanuts; 4 logs mahogany; 4 logs cedar; and 8 logs cedar. No ports or destinations discernible. Documents are signed in New York. (Only Page A transcribed.) The Schooner Como was built in Cherryfield 1873; No.125172; 133 tons. Charles E Bunker was master 1877. These ledgers are part of collection of Clara Rice items (Clara Adeline Richardson Bunker Rice (1847-1923). (Charles Bunker was Clara's second husband of three. Clara Rice was postmistress on Sutton Island in the Cranberry Isles. She may have married a Fernald, then Charles Edward Bunker, and then wed Wilbert Augustus Rice in 1893. ) [show more]
2018.416.2822Cranberry Road houses and Mailboat "Bobcat"
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • Places
  • Vessels, Boat
Two 8"x10" black and white photographs mounted on particle board for display. A= Cranberry Road curve: Rome House, Brooks house and Weibel house. B= Wilfred Bunker's mailboat "Bobcat" heading for MDI with mountains all around. Undtd.
Two 8"x10" black and white photographs mounted on particle board for display. A= Cranberry Road curve: Rome House, Brooks house and Weibel house. B= Wilfred Bunker's mailboat "Bobcat" heading for MDI with mountains all around. Undtd.
1000.0.1518Photo of boat Idlesse
  • Image, Photograph
  • Vessels, Boat
Picture of boat. (written on photo is Idlesse- rest of writing on picture not able to read ?)
Picture of boat. (written on photo is Idlesse- rest of writing on picture not able to read ?)
1000.0.1486Paul Peterson and Hazel (Stanley) Peterson
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Vessels, Boat
Photo, Paul Peterson and Hazel "Brooke" "Snooks" (Stanley) Peterson-1965. Beal and Bunker Speedboat "Rogue"
Photo, Paul Peterson and Hazel "Brooke" "Snooks" (Stanley) Peterson-1965. Beal and Bunker Speedboat "Rogue"
1000.0.1652Ice on boat hulls
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Vessels, Boat
Photo, Ice on boat hulls (maybe Wesley Bracy, Sr.'s boat?), foreground on right is Harry Alley's boat, on left is Keith Wedge's King Pin.
Photo, Ice on boat hulls (maybe Wesley Bracy, Sr.'s boat?), foreground on right is Harry Alley's boat, on left is Keith Wedge's King Pin.
1000.0.1637Storm clouds above the Island Queen
  • Image, Photograph
  • Vessels, Merchant Vessel, Ferry
Photo, Island Queen, Ed and Dave Westphal's Tangerine(?) with dramatic sky and mountains.
Photo, Island Queen, Ed and Dave Westphal's Tangerine(?) with dramatic sky and mountains.
1000.0.1651Karl Wedge and Herman Savage boats
  • Image, Photograph
  • Vessels, Boat
Photo, in the foreground is Karl Wedge's "Sonja Russel" and behind is Herman Savage's boat which is rigged for dragging bought from Jr. Bracy.
Photo, in the foreground is Karl Wedge's "Sonja Russel" and behind is Herman Savage's boat which is rigged for dragging bought from Jr. Bracy.
1000.0.1649Victor Whites old shed and boat
  • Image, Photograph
  • Places
  • Vessels, Boat
Shed on the right was Victor White's now on Marylyn Fredickson's (?) property. Victor's boat, Lea Lyman's house is in the background.
Shed on the right was Victor White's now on Marylyn Fredickson's (?) property. Victor's boat, Lea Lyman's house is in the background.
2013.257.1995Description and scans of images of 1850s wet-plate postive photographs
  • Image, Photograph
  • Places, Harbor
  • Vessels, Ship, Sailing Ship, Schooner
Documents. Two documents: (A) The first is an undated note entitled "Early pictures made at 'The Ways' " (home of the Lea family 1960s) written by George Vaux in which he describes two ca. 1850 "wet-plate positives, backed by metal plates." Two digital images in GCIHS collection, the first (D) of the ship "Express, Cranberry Isles," and the second, a wide landscape view of the Thomas Bunker wharves (C), both taken from The Ways property, may be the photos described in Vaux's note. The scans were made from photos provided by Nancy Lea ca. 2000. (2013 correspondence re: unsuccessful investigation into the whereabouts of the two original wet-plate positives was saved.) Vaux also explains that they called the house The Ways "because timbers for ships' ways were found when excavating for the basement." 2014 email from Chuck Liebow explain the photos: "Zooming in you can see another vessel "Harriett", a pinky or near double ender which Victor claimed was built by Thomas Bunker (Harriet was Thomas Bunker's wife). A 2000 email from Liebow indicates he thinks the photo shows the Thomas Bunker wharves on the site where Mrs. Lea's house is, with the Richman house with the roof half covered in snow. Liebow adds: George Vaux dated the photo to about 1852 based on the ship "Express" at the same wharf. Islesford looks funny but the Fish Point house is right where it ought to be." The second document (B) is an undated copy of a plat map (with ball point pen marks) showing the George Vaux and Robert Lea properties, Lots #30 and 31 respectively. (See also 2013.257.1987 re: modern photos of The Ways.)
Documents. Two documents: (A) The first is an undated note entitled "Early pictures made at 'The Ways' " (home of the Lea family 1960s) written by George Vaux in which he describes two ca. 1850 "wet-plate positives, backed by metal plates." Two digital images in GCIHS collection, the first (D) of the ship "Express, Cranberry Isles," and the second, a wide landscape view of the Thomas Bunker wharves (C), both taken from The Ways property, may be the photos described in Vaux's note. The scans were made from photos provided by Nancy Lea ca. 2000. (2013 correspondence re: unsuccessful investigation into the whereabouts of the two original wet-plate positives was saved.) Vaux also explains that they called the house The Ways "because timbers for ships' ways were found when excavating for the basement." 2014 email from Chuck Liebow explain the photos: "Zooming in you can see another vessel "Harriett", a pinky or near double ender which Victor claimed was built by Thomas Bunker (Harriet was Thomas Bunker's wife). A 2000 email from Liebow indicates he thinks the photo shows the Thomas Bunker wharves on the site where Mrs. Lea's house is, with the Richman house with the roof half covered in snow. Liebow adds: George Vaux dated the photo to about 1852 based on the ship "Express" at the same wharf. Islesford looks funny but the Fish Point house is right where it ought to be." The second document (B) is an undated copy of a plat map (with ball point pen marks) showing the George Vaux and Robert Lea properties, Lots #30 and 31 respectively. (See also 2013.257.1987 re: modern photos of The Ways.) [show more]
2012.208.1726Schooner perhaps in Spurling Cove
  • Image, Photograph
  • Vessels, Boat
Photo, Schooner believed anchored in Spurling Cove- from the Hazel Stanley Collection
Photo, Schooner believed anchored in Spurling Cove- from the Hazel Stanley Collection
2010.152.1156Receipt for items purchased by Schooner Lizzie Maud
  • Document, Financial, Receipt
  • Vessels, Ship, Sailing Ship, Schooner
Business invoice (photocopy). "Portland, Me 189_, Sch {Schooner] Lizzie Maud & Owners, Bought of H.H. Hay & Son, Druggists, Junction Free & Middle Streets." Stamped May 19, 1892 in bottom right corner. Sixteen items were bought; many are hard to read, but some include "2 oz. spt. [spirits of] Camphor 8 cents, 2 oz. tinct [tincture of] Rhei [powdered rhubarb] 10 cents, 1 oz. sulph. [sulphuric] ether 8 cents, etc." The most expensive item bought is "1 Ritter's Manual 50 cents." This is a merchant marine oriented first aid manual issued in 1877. A photo of H.H. Hay's Portland store is available at http://www.vintagemaineimages.com/bin/Detail?ln=23426
Business invoice (photocopy). "Portland, Me 189_, Sch {Schooner] Lizzie Maud & Owners, Bought of H.H. Hay & Son, Druggists, Junction Free & Middle Streets." Stamped May 19, 1892 in bottom right corner. Sixteen items were bought; many are hard to read, but some include "2 oz. spt. [spirits of] Camphor 8 cents, 2 oz. tinct [tincture of] Rhei [powdered rhubarb] 10 cents, 1 oz. sulph. [sulphuric] ether 8 cents, etc." The most expensive item bought is "1 Ritter's Manual 50 cents." This is a merchant marine oriented first aid manual issued in 1877. A photo of H.H. Hay's Portland store is available at http://www.vintagemaineimages.com/bin/Detail?ln=23426 [show more]
2010.152.1168Two-masted ship Priscilla
  • Image, Photograph
  • Vessels, Boat, Sailboat
Photo, undated. Stamp on back reads "F.H. McDougall, artist, Boothbay Harbor, ME. Photo is of a two-masted ship named "Priscilla" in a shipyard. Seven men appear on board, about 10 figures near the keel, and a small group gathered at the forefront of the photo.
Photo, undated. Stamp on back reads "F.H. McDougall, artist, Boothbay Harbor, ME. Photo is of a two-masted ship named "Priscilla" in a shipyard. Seven men appear on board, about 10 figures near the keel, and a small group gathered at the forefront of the photo.
1000.131.1048George and Arvard Savage with horse and boats
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Vessels, Boat
Photo, George Savage standing in front of the Helen Parker House (on Cranberry Rd. across from Bruce Komusin's) with his horse Star Summer 1945. 1048B George in back of the Parker house with his horse Star. 1048C photo taken from The Pool. 1048D George Savage's boat. 1048 E Arvard Savage and others with Hillard Hardy's boat. Photo featured on Fall 2010 Cranberry Chronicle.
Photo, George Savage standing in front of the Helen Parker House (on Cranberry Rd. across from Bruce Komusin's) with his horse Star Summer 1945. 1048B George in back of the Parker house with his horse Star. 1048C photo taken from The Pool. 1048D George Savage's boat. 1048 E Arvard Savage and others with Hillard Hardy's boat. Photo featured on Fall 2010 Cranberry Chronicle.
2006.8.774Ralph Stanley notes re: sinking of Schooner Kate Newman 1880
  • Publication, Booklet
  • Vessels, Ship, Sailing Ship, Schooner
Booklet "Ralph Stanley" (notes used by Ralph Stanley as speaker at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Islesford Historical Society) with two vivid descriptions of the sinking of the two-masted schooner KATE NEWMAN after its collision with the three-masted schooner STEPHEN HARDING off of Long Branch, NJ during a severe storm Feb 1880. One description is by Capt. Stephen Harding of the STEPHEN HARDING, the other by William H. Rea, sole survivor of the KATE NEWMAN crew. The crew apparently was from Tremont. Booklet also contains article (published between 1999 and 2006) "Maritime Museum showcases Stanley" Great Harbor Maritime Museum (Northeast Harbor) honors Ralph Stanley with an exhibit "Ralph Stanley: Retrospective of a Wooden Boat Builder. Acquistion number 346 with Islesford Historical Society.
Booklet "Ralph Stanley" (notes used by Ralph Stanley as speaker at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Islesford Historical Society) with two vivid descriptions of the sinking of the two-masted schooner KATE NEWMAN after its collision with the three-masted schooner STEPHEN HARDING off of Long Branch, NJ during a severe storm Feb 1880. One description is by Capt. Stephen Harding of the STEPHEN HARDING, the other by William H. Rea, sole survivor of the KATE NEWMAN crew. The crew apparently was from Tremont. Booklet also contains article (published between 1999 and 2006) "Maritime Museum showcases Stanley" Great Harbor Maritime Museum (Northeast Harbor) honors Ralph Stanley with an exhibit "Ralph Stanley: Retrospective of a Wooden Boat Builder. Acquistion number 346 with Islesford Historical Society. [show more]
2003.88.680Photo unknown vessel in color (faded)
  • Image, Photograph
  • Vessels, Boat, Sailboat
Photo, color snapshot, all colors faded except blue, unknown vessel
Photo, color snapshot, all colors faded except blue, unknown vessel
2003.88.683Maynard Murch on board the Sudron
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Vessels, Boat, Sailboat
Photo, b&w snapshot, Maynard Murch on board his sailing vessel Sudron. On back: "Mr. Murch on Sudron summer 1957"
Photo, b&w snapshot, Maynard Murch on board his sailing vessel Sudron. On back: "Mr. Murch on Sudron summer 1957"