Three recipts: 1. 1866 (Dec. to July) ledger page with header “W.P. and W. H. Preble” to Lyman Son & Tobey, itemized expenses for oil, paints, rope, lead, etc. “Please remit and much oblige LS&T”
2. 1867 (Sept 13) statement. Schooner Intreped (sic Intrepid?) & Owners bought of Richards, Adams & Co. Boston, pounds of manila [rope], wormline, rattine, springyarn, marlin spike, etc. With a 2-cent stamp date/stamped affixed.
3. 1867 (Dec. 6): Receipt for Schooner Transfer and owners to A T Hayden for half pilotage out.
“Receipts for fishing and vessel expenses,” Great Cranberry Island Historical Society, accessed November 21, 2024, # 2018.416.2780