101 - 125 of 281 results
You searched for: Subject: Businesses
Catalogue # Title Type Subject Description
2018.416.2781Receipts and notes Preble and Stanley
  • Document, Financial, Receipt
  • Businesses, Fishery Business
  • Businesses, Store Business
  • People
Four documnts 1880-1892. 1. 1880 (Dec. 13) Receipt on store ledger page. Samuel Sanford paid $1.65 to Sargent, Lord & Skillin, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Fishermen’s outfits and Fishing Supplies, Nos. 8 & 12 Commercial Wharf, Portland, for an illegible item. 2. [undated] Handwritten description of area near Stanley weir, paper was torn and mended at some point. “54 running yards between [Mayos?] and [J. G.?] Stanleys weir. Commencing at J. G. Stanley’s [Bxxxx Pxxx?] or weir and run E. by North 175 yards leaving a boat way between the Thumb and suitable for boats passage in towards the shore and not to extend over 1/3 of the width of passage between the Thrumb Cap & May Pole Point.” Reverse side shows calculations. 3. 1881 (August 16- September 24) handwritten list of quantities [barrels?] of mackerel, herring, and other fish. Reverse shows Graham Co received payment from William Preble Nov. 18, 1881. 4. 1889 (Sept 1889-Oct1890). Handwritten notebook page with header: Estate of Thomas Stanley to William Preble. Lists expenses incurred managing Stanley estate, totaling $906.44. On the reverse side are two seemingly unrelated handwritten notes, written in different directions on the paper. One is a statement signed by William P. Preble July 6, 1892 that someone has been trespassing and taking berries without permission; and that after this date, nothing should be removed from his lands or property without consent. The second is a statement listing the value of personal property and homestead for the estate of Thomas Stanley 2nd.
Four documnts 1880-1892. 1. 1880 (Dec. 13) Receipt on store ledger page. Samuel Sanford paid $1.65 to Sargent, Lord & Skillin, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Fishermen’s outfits and Fishing Supplies, Nos. 8 & 12 Commercial Wharf, Portland, for an illegible item. 2. [undated] Handwritten description of area near Stanley weir, paper was torn and mended at some point. “54 running yards between [Mayos?] and [J. G.?] Stanleys weir. Commencing at J. G. Stanley’s [Bxxxx Pxxx?] or weir and run E. by North 175 yards leaving a boat way between the Thumb and suitable for boats passage in towards the shore and not to extend over 1/3 of the width of passage between the Thrumb Cap & May Pole Point.” Reverse side shows calculations. 3. 1881 (August 16- September 24) handwritten list of quantities [barrels?] of mackerel, herring, and other fish. Reverse shows Graham Co received payment from William Preble Nov. 18, 1881. 4. 1889 (Sept 1889-Oct1890). Handwritten notebook page with header: Estate of Thomas Stanley to William Preble. Lists expenses incurred managing Stanley estate, totaling $906.44. On the reverse side are two seemingly unrelated handwritten notes, written in different directions on the paper. One is a statement signed by William P. Preble July 6, 1892 that someone has been trespassing and taking berries without permission; and that after this date, nothing should be removed from his lands or property without consent. The second is a statement listing the value of personal property and homestead for the estate of Thomas Stanley 2nd. [show more]
2018.416.2780Receipts for fishing and vessel expenses
  • Document, Financial, Receipt
  • Businesses, Fishery Business
  • People
Three recipts: 1. 1866 (Dec. to July) ledger page with header “W.P. and W. H. Preble” to Lyman Son & Tobey, itemized expenses for oil, paints, rope, lead, etc. “Please remit and much oblige LS&T” 2. 1867 (Sept 13) statement. Schooner Intreped (sic Intrepid?) & Owners bought of Richards, Adams & Co. Boston, pounds of manila [rope], wormline, rattine, springyarn, marlin spike, etc. With a 2-cent stamp date/stamped affixed. 3. 1867 (Dec. 6): Receipt for Schooner Transfer and owners to A T Hayden for half pilotage out.
Three recipts: 1. 1866 (Dec. to July) ledger page with header “W.P. and W. H. Preble” to Lyman Son & Tobey, itemized expenses for oil, paints, rope, lead, etc. “Please remit and much oblige LS&T” 2. 1867 (Sept 13) statement. Schooner Intreped (sic Intrepid?) & Owners bought of Richards, Adams & Co. Boston, pounds of manila [rope], wormline, rattine, springyarn, marlin spike, etc. With a 2-cent stamp date/stamped affixed. 3. 1867 (Dec. 6): Receipt for Schooner Transfer and owners to A T Hayden for half pilotage out. [show more]
2011.197.1569Beal and Bunker Dock with restaurant
  • Image, Photograph
  • Businesses, Restaurant Business
  • Structures, Transportation, Marine Landing, Dock
Photo, Beal and Bunker Dock with Restaurant 1960s
Photo, Beal and Bunker Dock with Restaurant 1960s
2012.204.1687Port Hole Restaurant 1960
  • Image, Photograph
  • Businesses, Restaurant Business
  • People
Photo, Port Hole Restaurant, Beal & Bunker Dock, June 1960- Leona McAllister
Photo, Port Hole Restaurant, Beal & Bunker Dock, June 1960- Leona McAllister
1000.0.1641Tinker Colby at the boatyard
  • Image, Photograph
  • Businesses, Boatbuilding Business
  • People
Photo, Tinker Colby at the Cranberry Island boatyard
Photo, Tinker Colby at the Cranberry Island boatyard
1000.0.1635Charles Rice at Cranberry Isle Boatyard
  • Image, Photograph
  • Businesses, Boatbuilding Business
  • People
Charles Rice at Cranberry Isle Boatyard which he owned. He sold to Ed and Ed sold to the Staintons (2 copies of picture)
Charles Rice at Cranberry Isle Boatyard which he owned. He sold to Ed and Ed sold to the Staintons (2 copies of picture)
2018.416.2783Business cards and railroad ticket
  • Document, Other Documents, Multi-Part Documents
  • Businesses, Fishery Business
  • Businesses, Transportation Business
  • People
Miscellaneous documents (late 1800s-early 1900s) from Preble House. A. Business card: George Shaw Grocer Portland Maine. B. Business card: S.T. Mugridge Sailmaker Rockland Maine. C. Second class railroad ticket Pullman’s Palace Car Co. from Bangor to [xxx], punched, October 2, [no year], Line 151, Conductor name illegible. Reverse shows rules and disclaimer (a statement from General Ticket Agent Chicago). D. Business card. Cranberry Isles Mutual Fish Company listing officers: Wm. P. Preble, A.C. Fernald, and directors: A. C. Savage, O.A. Richardson, A. L. Manchester: Curers, Packers and Shippers, Cranberry Isles etc. Reverse side lists kinds of fish they deal in. E. Undated (18xx) Collector’s Bond form. Partially filled in, listing Charles E. Spurling, Samuel N. Bulger and John Gilley as sureties of the Town of Cranberry Isles for $500. F. Blank shipping order form (two pages). C.K. Darling, Stationer, 15 Exchange St., Boston.
Miscellaneous documents (late 1800s-early 1900s) from Preble House. A. Business card: George Shaw Grocer Portland Maine. B. Business card: S.T. Mugridge Sailmaker Rockland Maine. C. Second class railroad ticket Pullman’s Palace Car Co. from Bangor to [xxx], punched, October 2, [no year], Line 151, Conductor name illegible. Reverse shows rules and disclaimer (a statement from General Ticket Agent Chicago). D. Business card. Cranberry Isles Mutual Fish Company listing officers: Wm. P. Preble, A.C. Fernald, and directors: A. C. Savage, O.A. Richardson, A. L. Manchester: Curers, Packers and Shippers, Cranberry Isles etc. Reverse side lists kinds of fish they deal in. E. Undated (18xx) Collector’s Bond form. Partially filled in, listing Charles E. Spurling, Samuel N. Bulger and John Gilley as sureties of the Town of Cranberry Isles for $500. F. Blank shipping order form (two pages). C.K. Darling, Stationer, 15 Exchange St., Boston. [show more]
2012.200.1584Downeast Windjammer Cruise information
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Businesses, Ferry Service
  • People
Document, Downeast Windjammer Cruises dated 3/21/2011 from Captain Steven F. Pagels. Subject: Great Cranberry Island Historical Society. Article mentions the newsletter, Cranberry Chronicles). Capt. Steven F. Pagels owned the ferry, Moleska, for a period of time. Capt. Pagels "purchased Moleska from Chuck Liebow where she was lying in his boat house on Great Cranberry. We needed a vessel for a pilot launch as we were then running pilots out to cruise ships entering and leaving Bar Harbor back in the 1990's. I believe the Moleska had been built at Southwest Boat right after WWII. We later sold Moleska and I believe she went down to Belfast." See also 2018.416.2824C.
Document, Downeast Windjammer Cruises dated 3/21/2011 from Captain Steven F. Pagels. Subject: Great Cranberry Island Historical Society. Article mentions the newsletter, Cranberry Chronicles). Capt. Steven F. Pagels owned the ferry, Moleska, for a period of time. Capt. Pagels "purchased Moleska from Chuck Liebow where she was lying in his boat house on Great Cranberry. We needed a vessel for a pilot launch as we were then running pilots out to cruise ships entering and leaving Bar Harbor back in the 1990's. I believe the Moleska had been built at Southwest Boat right after WWII. We later sold Moleska and I believe she went down to Belfast." See also 2018.416.2824C. [show more]
1000.7.210Diary about boat repairs
  • Document, Other Documents
  • Businesses, Boatbuilding Business
Diary, printed date 1914, with ads for paint and varnish, filled in with entries of expenses, most all seem to be for boat repair. Work done for Frank Stanley, Walter Eversman, C. Rice, A. Alley, D. Hodgkins.
Diary, printed date 1914, with ads for paint and varnish, filled in with entries of expenses, most all seem to be for boat repair. Work done for Frank Stanley, Walter Eversman, C. Rice, A. Alley, D. Hodgkins.
2017.384.2159Vessels Related to Great Cranberry Island by Ralph Stanley
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Businesses, Boatbuilding Business
  • Vessels, Ship, Sailing Ship, Schooner
Ships. Copies of three manuscripts by Ralph W. Stanley. (A & B:) Two xerox copies of "Vessels Related to Great Cranberry Island: Notes Collected by Ralph Stanley Boatbuilder, S.W. Harbor, Me" as handed to Bruce Komusin by Ralph Stanley at GCIHS Annual Meeting, Weds. 28 August 1996. Lists Date; Name of vessel, Master and Owner; Length; and Tonnage for the years 1856-1860. (C) is an alphabetical listing of the same information. (D) "List of Vessels Built on Mount Desert Island, Cranberry Island, Tinker's Island, Thompson's Island and Long Island (Frenchboro), According to Year Built, compiled by Ralph W. Stanley." Sources for (D) are listed on page 40.
Ships. Copies of three manuscripts by Ralph W. Stanley. (A & B:) Two xerox copies of "Vessels Related to Great Cranberry Island: Notes Collected by Ralph Stanley Boatbuilder, S.W. Harbor, Me" as handed to Bruce Komusin by Ralph Stanley at GCIHS Annual Meeting, Weds. 28 August 1996. Lists Date; Name of vessel, Master and Owner; Length; and Tonnage for the years 1856-1860. (C) is an alphabetical listing of the same information. (D) "List of Vessels Built on Mount Desert Island, Cranberry Island, Tinker's Island, Thompson's Island and Long Island (Frenchboro), According to Year Built, compiled by Ralph W. Stanley." Sources for (D) are listed on page 40. [show more]
1000.0.336Bunker Boatyard check
  • Document, Financial, Financial Records
  • Businesses, Boatbuilding Business
Check, blank, from Bunker Boatyard, Charles E. Rice, Eugene R. MacAllister, Bar Harbor Banking & Trust Co.
Check, blank, from Bunker Boatyard, Charles E. Rice, Eugene R. MacAllister, Bar Harbor Banking & Trust Co.
2018.416.2800William P. Preble ledgers (1873-1890s)
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
  • Businesses, Fishery Business
  • Businesses, Store Business
  • People
Two ledgers (A-B) 1873-1890s of a collection of 18 small, 19th-century ledgers or account journals belonging to William P. Preble; very difficult to decipher, many entries not in chronological order, often several years of entries not made in sequential order. (Only exterior and one page of each ledger scanned. ) A= 1873-1893 long narrow store ledger with a general mish-mash of stuff…some in chronological order some not. 1873 list of cash and credit, purchases, school items. 1872 herring shipped, 1890, 1893. Small folded note inserted in middle of this ledger signed by William P. Preble, dated Jan 23rd 1891 that “parties having friends buried in the Burying Yard [cemetery] that they are requested to contribute towards the bill for labor and materials for fencing and painting the same”. Charges for services to the Town of CI [no year]. 1876 Town of CI charges, 1877 Charges for handling the estate of G. H. Gilley, 1878 and 1880 Meeting House expenses [church?], various 1881 records, 1881-1886 various entries. B= Small tan notebook “Pierce’s memorandum and Account Book designed for Farmers, Mechanics and all people”. 1893 January expenses for various jobs including “hauling weir stuff”. List of payments to S.C. Sanford (“Sammy” Samuel Sanford, Preble’s step son), and others.
Two ledgers (A-B) 1873-1890s of a collection of 18 small, 19th-century ledgers or account journals belonging to William P. Preble; very difficult to decipher, many entries not in chronological order, often several years of entries not made in sequential order. (Only exterior and one page of each ledger scanned. ) A= 1873-1893 long narrow store ledger with a general mish-mash of stuff…some in chronological order some not. 1873 list of cash and credit, purchases, school items. 1872 herring shipped, 1890, 1893. Small folded note inserted in middle of this ledger signed by William P. Preble, dated Jan 23rd 1891 that “parties having friends buried in the Burying Yard [cemetery] that they are requested to contribute towards the bill for labor and materials for fencing and painting the same”. Charges for services to the Town of CI [no year]. 1876 Town of CI charges, 1877 Charges for handling the estate of G. H. Gilley, 1878 and 1880 Meeting House expenses [church?], various 1881 records, 1881-1886 various entries. B= Small tan notebook “Pierce’s memorandum and Account Book designed for Farmers, Mechanics and all people”. 1893 January expenses for various jobs including “hauling weir stuff”. List of payments to S.C. Sanford (“Sammy” Samuel Sanford, Preble’s step son), and others. [show more]
1000.171.1233Smelting ladle with spout
  • Object, Metalworking, Foundry Ladle
  • Businesses, Blacksmith Business
  • Businesses, Farming
Smelting ladle with spout, for melting and poring molten lead
Smelting ladle with spout, for melting and poring molten lead
2002.20.42Shoemaker's hammer patent
  • Document, Government, Government Records
  • Businesses, Other Business, Shoemaking Business
Document, 2 sheets, Patent, #199,568, "Lasting-Hammer", 1878. Mickey Macfarlan wrote on it "A shoemaker's hammer found in Capt. Bert's house" (See hammer item 2002.20.1241) (See also items 1240-1245.)
Document, 2 sheets, Patent, #199,568, "Lasting-Hammer", 1878. Mickey Macfarlan wrote on it "A shoemaker's hammer found in Capt. Bert's house" (See hammer item 2002.20.1241) (See also items 1240-1245.)
2001.39.314Letter to Enoch B. Stanley
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Businesses, Medical Business
Letter, handwritten ad for Erie Medical Co., 21 Feb 1893, to Enoch B. Stanley
Letter, handwritten ad for Erie Medical Co., 21 Feb 1893, to Enoch B. Stanley
2011.163.1390Mail Boat ticket
  • Object, Ticket
  • Businesses, Ferry Service
Ticket, Mail Boat, 10-Trips for $5, all punched out (used). Polly said while donating it, "An example of the 'Good Old Days.'"
Ticket, Mail Boat, 10-Trips for $5, all punched out (used). Polly said while donating it, "An example of the 'Good Old Days.'"
2002.20.1243Shoemaker's last
  • Object, Last, Shoe Last
  • Businesses, Other Business, Shoemaking Business
Tool, Shoemaker's Last used to make and mend shoes. Found in the old Lewis Ladd barn, a.k.a. Spurling home, and Freeman home (across from donor's home). Lewis Ladd died in 1912 at 88 years old.
Tool, Shoemaker's Last used to make and mend shoes. Found in the old Lewis Ladd barn, a.k.a. Spurling home, and Freeman home (across from donor's home). Lewis Ladd died in 1912 at 88 years old.
2002.20.1244Shoemaker's last
  • Object, Last, Shoe Last
  • Businesses, Other Business, Shoemaking Business
Shoemaker's Last used in making and mending shoes. Found in the old Lewis Ladd barn, a.k.a. Spurling home, and Freeman home (across from donor's home). Lewis Ladd died in 1912 at 88 years old.
Shoemaker's Last used in making and mending shoes. Found in the old Lewis Ladd barn, a.k.a. Spurling home, and Freeman home (across from donor's home). Lewis Ladd died in 1912 at 88 years old.
2002.20.1240Shoemaker's last, approx. 6"
  • Object, Last, Shoe Last
  • Businesses, Other Business, Shoemaking Business
Tool, Shoemaker's Last, approx. 6". Found in the old Lewis Ladd barn, a.k.a. Spurling home, and Freeman home (across from donor's home). Lewis Ladd died in 1912 at 88 years old. (See also items 1240-1245.)
Tool, Shoemaker's Last, approx. 6". Found in the old Lewis Ladd barn, a.k.a. Spurling home, and Freeman home (across from donor's home). Lewis Ladd died in 1912 at 88 years old. (See also items 1240-1245.)
2002.20.1245Shoemaker's lasts with cast iron support post
  • Object, Last, Shoe Last
  • Businesses, Other Business, Shoemaking Business
Two Shoemaker's Lasts with cast iron post to support lasts as cobbler works on them (one 9" and one 5"). Found in the old Lewis Ladd barn, a.k.a. Spurling home, and Freeman home (across from donor's home). Lewis Ladd died in 1912 at 88 years old.
Two Shoemaker's Lasts with cast iron post to support lasts as cobbler works on them (one 9" and one 5"). Found in the old Lewis Ladd barn, a.k.a. Spurling home, and Freeman home (across from donor's home). Lewis Ladd died in 1912 at 88 years old.
2019.427.2816Miscellaneous deeds and receipts 1800s
  • Document, Other Documents, Multi-Part Documents
  • Businesses, Blacksmith Business
  • People
Two deeds 1833 and 1821, receipt 1868, and 1898, and scrap of deed no date. A= 1833 deed Aaron Wasgatt of MDI, blacksmith, to Sans Stanley regarding Lots 40, 41, and 42 on Mount Desert, signed by David Wasgatt and Aaron Wasgaat 1833, Recorded 1837 Book 64/Page 213. B= Deed Joshua Mayo, blacksmith, to Sans Stanley, Jr. 75 acres, signed 1818 and recorded 1821 in Book 41/Page 367, C= Fragment of a deed transferring something to Lydia Baker, recorded by John Brooks, 19th century. D= Receipt: For labor received, promise to pay Charles Harding signed by William P. and William H. Preble 1868; on reverse "paid in full all claims on the Ship [Picayne?]" including $1.65 interest. E= Receipt for payment to Millard Spurling for hauling in hay for W.P. Preble July 22, 1898.
Two deeds 1833 and 1821, receipt 1868, and 1898, and scrap of deed no date. A= 1833 deed Aaron Wasgatt of MDI, blacksmith, to Sans Stanley regarding Lots 40, 41, and 42 on Mount Desert, signed by David Wasgatt and Aaron Wasgaat 1833, Recorded 1837 Book 64/Page 213. B= Deed Joshua Mayo, blacksmith, to Sans Stanley, Jr. 75 acres, signed 1818 and recorded 1821 in Book 41/Page 367, C= Fragment of a deed transferring something to Lydia Baker, recorded by John Brooks, 19th century. D= Receipt: For labor received, promise to pay Charles Harding signed by William P. and William H. Preble 1868; on reverse "paid in full all claims on the Ship [Picayne?]" including $1.65 interest. E= Receipt for payment to Millard Spurling for hauling in hay for W.P. Preble July 22, 1898. [show more]
2002.20.1241Shoemaker's hammer
  • Object, Leatherworking Hammer, Shoemaker's Hammer
  • Businesses, Other Business, Shoemaking Business
Tool. Shoemaker's hammer 8.5". See also 2002.20.42 patent for this type of hammer. Hammer recovered from Captain Bert's house - Bert Spurling, a.k.a. Freeman home (across from donor's home). (This is the same house where the shoe lasts were found - see items 1240, 1242-1245.)
Tool. Shoemaker's hammer 8.5". See also 2002.20.42 patent for this type of hammer. Hammer recovered from Captain Bert's house - Bert Spurling, a.k.a. Freeman home (across from donor's home). (This is the same house where the shoe lasts were found - see items 1240, 1242-1245.)
1000.0.1657Beal & Bunker Mail Boat and Ferry Service Schedule
  • Document, Schedule, Timetable
  • Businesses, Ferry Service
Document, 1657a-b. (a) 1985 Beal & Bunker Mail Boat and Ferry Service Schedule. Northeast Harbor-Cranberry Isles-Islesford-Suttons Abroad the SEA QUEEN. (b) back side of same. There are 3 copies of this schedule.
Document, 1657a-b. (a) 1985 Beal & Bunker Mail Boat and Ferry Service Schedule. Northeast Harbor-Cranberry Isles-Islesford-Suttons Abroad the SEA QUEEN. (b) back side of same. There are 3 copies of this schedule.
1000.27.799Cranberry Cove boat schedule
  • Document, Schedule, Timetable
  • Businesses, Ferry Service
Brochure: "Island Adventure", a tourist handout and schedule of the Cranberry Cove Boating Co., 1993, when it was owned & run by Charles "Chuck" Liebow (before being sold to Steve Pagels.)
Brochure: "Island Adventure", a tourist handout and schedule of the Cranberry Cove Boating Co., 1993, when it was owned & run by Charles "Chuck" Liebow (before being sold to Steve Pagels.)
2001.39.318Ad for boat paint
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Businesses, Boatbuilding Business
Envelope with advertising cards, from Tarr and Wonson Ltd., Gloucester MA, 9 Mar 1893, to E.B. Stanley, for boat paints
Envelope with advertising cards, from Tarr and Wonson Ltd., Gloucester MA, 9 Mar 1893, to E.B. Stanley, for boat paints